I want link building to be easy than what i regularly do.

Is there any way for link exchange from good PR sites??

quick response appreciated!!

Do quality link exchange for your site

can u provide me with link to list of websites!! so i can do it easily without puttin much effort!!

Ever heard of doing a Google search?

OK, I'm not going to give you the link as I think you should try being a little less lazy, but here is what I did. It took 30 seconds:

1. I went to Google.com

2. I typed in "high pr" poker sites

3. I clicked on the #1 link.

Now go and do it yourself!

Also remember Google weighs the number of inbound, one-way links to your website as more significant than reciprocal or two-way links exchanges.

Does posting on forums or commenting on blogs related to your website really boost your Google Page Rank? Of course you have to provide a link in your signature or for the comment, but I though that this type of promotion didn't really work?

commented: good questions +0

Thanks a lot for guiding me on this!! i have been doing all these since i got reply from you ppl. I managed to improve my site traffic a bit. but could not get a pagerank yet.

Does posting on forums or commenting on blogs related to your website really boost your Google Page Rank? Of course you have to provide a link in your signature or for the comment, but I though that this type of promotion didn't really work?

I wouldn't worry too much about "boosting toolbar Page Rank." Instead, focus on obtaining links from relevant and "established" websites and blogs. YES - Google will crawl your signature in a comment and count it as a citation but that citation holds more weight if it is coming from a relevant website/blog that has been around for a while.

Link building is not easy no matter how you put it. If you do not have tons of money to spend on submitting your link to the highest ranked sites then it will require some hard labor. Among the things that have worked for me are a combination of many advertising formats and tools. However among the most common are obviously commenting on blogs and forums related to your niche. Also submitting lots of articles. It's tedious but it has worked for me.

I don't understand how the trendy marketing attitudes still is to just artificially make your web pages appear to be important by manipulating the volume, credibility and relevancy of incoming links.

Why don't you people just build something that merits its own importance?

I can't believe there's still Internet marketers on this planet that think Google PageRank still has some meaning. That was just the starting pistol of this link building race you all still run.

commented: nice!! :) +0

I agree that Google's Toolbar PageRank has little to no value these days and canadafred certainly has a point... if you build a business, website, or tool that merits a following, the "links," just like the audience will be attracted to you naturally.

Still - even if you have the most credible and popular website for your niche market, you may find that there are other websites that rank better than you for certain keyword search queries. Therein lies the reason for SEO and link building... to outrank the competition.

Sure - you might eventually outrank your competitors based on the quality of your product or service alone... but as long as Search Engines continue to use algorithm's to rank and sort their search results, you can get there a lot faster and ensure that you are exposed to all relevant audiences if you practice good SEO.

I agree that Google's Toolbar PageRank has little to no value these days ...
Still ...
Sure ...

Manipulating off-site factors is effective SEO, for some. Call it whatever you like: Yahoo calls it corresponding amongst content related webmaster, link swapping or link building or making intelligent comments or whatever you want to call it.

Indeed some search engine strategies win in compeitive keyphrase arenas based on their off-site manipulation alone. They have nothing uniquely significant to offer the Internet, content-wise.

But look through that first page results of competitors and look at #2's SEO strategy, could be completely on-site strong. #4-6 link schemers, #7-11 Grey Hats, #12 White as snow and moving quickly, not slowly as you suggest but from #12 to #10 next week, then #7. The rest of yas' don't get the power of well optimized content and its internal linking value. Don't minimize crafting content to be Internet visitor captivating and friendly; and that the search engine will like it too.

You got to use it all, all the optimizable web page components and use the SEO technique : Keyphrase Dynamicability and Anchor Congruency. Can't stop though, gotta' build more.

Manipulating off-site factors is effective SEO, for some. Call it whatever you like...


You got to use it all, all the optimizable web page components and use the SEO technique : Keyphrase Dynamicability and Anchor Congruency. Can't stop though, gotta' build more.

Exactly - "manipulating" On-site factors is just as important and should not be overlooked.

link building is not easy.
You have to struggle for the same & quality links.

If you want to use some easy tricks then try blog commenting & forum signature.

Pagerank now it's not important, you can rank in serps even with PR0 website.

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