I read on a blog about how RSS may be out. I dont know about you but I actually subscribe to many blogs and I look forward to reading or at least glancing my Google Reader's headlines. Yes, I dont have time for all the feeds but I do scan and read the compelling ones. What about you?

I read on a blog about how RSS may be out. I dont know about you but I actually subscribe to many blogs and I look forward to reading or at least glancing my Google Reader's headlines. Yes, I dont have time for all the feeds but I do scan and read the compelling ones. What about you?

Same here. Also, for many of my clients who are trying to transition their clients and prospects away from e-mail newsletters and to subscibing to blogs, I advocate the inclusion of an RSS feed and the results have been good.

I still use my feed reader... I find that a lot of the people I follow on Twitter are the same blogs and special interest sites that I read with Google Reader. I still use Google Reader, but not as much.

I still use my feed reader... I find that a lot of the people I follow on Twitter are the same blogs and special interest sites that I read with Google Reader. I still use Google Reader, but not as much.

The beauty about the RSS feed is that there are multiple ways to read them so you are not locked into one specific way.

A lot of sites now have email subscription forms for their feeds. eg feeddburner subscription forms.

A lot of sites now have email subscription forms for their feeds. eg feeddburner subscription forms.

The other options that are good also are to have the RSS feed come in through your e-mail (not as an update message but a running list of new content, which I use for some through Outlook) as well as the RSS feed under favorites in IE.

I just use google reader to subscribe the blog which i want to read.

As I am still using a standard flip phone with no internet connectivity (You have to draw a line somewhere), can anyone tell me if there are any specialized phone apps for RSS feeds or does the existing technology work on the web-enabled phones?

If that phones browser supports XML
Most recentish standard phones run a cut down version of Opera, so maybe.

I use my screensaver to read RSS news feeds when my pc is idle

If that phones browser supports XML
Most recentish standard phones run a cut down version of Opera, so maybe.

I use my screensaver to read RSS news feeds when my pc is idle

I would like to see that screensaver in action. Could you tell me where you got it? Thanks

Made it myself. Started out with a starter-kit from MS which i modified (check out this article) http://blogs.msdn.com/coding4fun/archive/2006/10/31/909566.aspx and ive changed a lot more since then, e.g got the facebook API working with it to display status updates as well.

Mac OSX comes with a RSS reader screensaver too i think

All a windows screensaver is is a .exe with some special properties, which closes upon click events, and is fullscreen, modal and frameless. Pretty easy to whip one up in Visual Studio Express (on my server i use API calls to get it to show memory and network status when idle)

Once you cross over into the realm of coding I am at a complete loss. Thanks for the advice. I will check with one of my programmer friends and see if they can fix me up and I will also do a search to see if any exist already (someone may have made one similar to the Mac OSX one and released it for free!)

I agree with you Marketing Rob. I was equally as lost. :-(

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