For ebook sales, is it better to go through third party sellers like Clickbank or Lulu or do you sell it directly using Paypal.

Paypal's recent report shows 78 million users and I wonder if we should plainly go by numbers or lose commission to third party sellers?

For ebook sales, is it better to go through third party sellers like Clickbank or Lulu or do you sell it directly using Paypal.

Paypal's recent report shows 78 million users and I wonder if we should plainly go by numbers or lose commission to third party sellers?

The question is are you selling ebooks that you authored through a private site or are you a third party distributor of ebooks? If you are selling your own creation through your own website then PayPal should be fine. If you are acting as a third party selling other people's work, depending on your potential volume you will end up looking like a fly-by-night operation. This is OK if you are only re-selling a few items but if you are trying to set yourself up as a serious outlet for ebooks I would suggest you go with a more professional e-commerce setup that would accept multiple payment types including Paypal.

paypal is good, so many people use it.

paypal is good, so many people use it.

Thanks for the insight

I don't think there are any reasons for not using PayPal as a payment method. If only you have a website, you could integrate PayPal into your site without exception. :)

Paypal is reliable and safe. Mostly, online users rely on this processing payment with regards to payment. So I think why not try it.

Whatever options you choose, just keep in mind that you want to have full access to your affiliates and your customers.

Clickbank has a built-in affiliate system, does that matter or do you have an inhouse system?

For ebook sales, is it better to go through third party sellers like Clickbank or Lulu or do you sell it directly using Paypal.

Paypal's recent report shows 78 million users and I wonder if we should plainly go by numbers or lose commission to third party sellers?

You can Use the Micro Payment Option Provided with Paypal they charge less fees then normal payment and also it is good upto only when you sell and item less that $10

Some people say that pay pal now conducting the fraud. My friend is also victim of pay pal. Pay pal closing the account with out reason.

Now its over 150 Million Members asap :D
Use Paypal and Ejunkie else

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