At least one way, early social networks are like a high school party – when parents get home the fun stops and everybody leaves. But as social elements become the driving force behind many of the web’s most popular sites, an increasing number of consumers young and old are finding casual online conversation crucial in maintaining and expanding business relationships. The argument over whether Facebook should be used for business will rumble on with strong views on both sides. It’s irrelevant really, because it’s going to be used for business anyway. It’s also good to see that LinkedIn is finally sharpening up its act – because until very recently many people didn’t feel that it was a social network at all.

So my question is very simple Facebook Vs LinkedIn. Which one is the best right now.

You know, I think this is pretty much subject to preference. I use facebook, but I am VERY strict with how I manage my time there. After all, facebook is primarily used for socializing, so I only accept friends that are there for business purposes like myself and are willing to hear and see my offers. I have not tried LinkedIn but I always thought of it to be mainly associated with the Corporate world. I think it is about time they took things to the next level. Regardless of which is best, each has different users and potential for business expansion and growth. They secret lies behind the way we use them.

Personally, I prefer it because it lets me keep track of business associates as they flutter around the tech economy.

I personally use both but for different degrees. But in today's world, there is an intermeshing of information on both so you have to be mindful of the information you share and who you accept as a friend. I have a few co-workers as Facebook Friends but I dont think they can see much since I restricted settings.

Linkedin social network focuses on the professional side of each member of it's network, it also provides employers to seek the right persons for their staff requirements. Facebook, holds a wide variety of social activities, marketing and so on and so forth. They have their own approach in social networking area

It all depends. LinkedIn has a more corporate audience unlike Facebook. But both have have their strengths and target audience, so you just have to know how best to use both to get your desired output. So its not really a case of which is better but rather your target audience and desire results.

Yeah i agree It all depends because LinkedIn has a more corporate audience unlike Facebook but both have have their strengths and target audience, so you just have to know how best to use both to get your desired output.. So its not really a case of which is better but rather your target audience and desire results.

Very much agree with you. It depends what is your goal in joining these networks to begin with.

I feel like Facebook is more of a personal network. I only accept people who i am friends with, and only choose groups or become fans of pages that I'm very interested in. For this reason, I haven't seen Facebook become the tool that it's thought to be for businesses, but maybe I am missing the mark.

Occassionally I notice the ads on the right hand side of the page but rarely do I ever click them. I think it's smart the way they're able to target based off information given on my profile, but alot of times I question the legitimacy of these websites.

I see Linkedin being a more credible source for business information, and have become network friends with lots of people in the industry via Linkedin. So I guess that's where my vote has to be!

Facebook for social networking.

Linkedin for a professional online profile.

It all depends. LinkedIn has a more corporate audience unlike Facebook. But both have have their strengths and target audience, so you just have to know how best to use both to get your desired output. So its not really a case of which is better but rather your target audience and desire results.

Agreed. I think both have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the one suit you most. I personally like Facebook because I have used it for years. ^^

Hi friend
I think linked in is better ok theres a lot of reeuiters and spam on there.

face book is stil a bit gosh jeepers which school did you go to and which greek did you join

You have to manage your linked in network more activley the first one I get was an EX CTO of Exact and I can actualy find people ive worked with onlinked in (Ivan Pope for example) but not on facebook.

This may be a UK vs US thing all of my alumni from high school are 20+ years younger.

Both will be provide you more exposure,but Compare with linkedin, face book is more effective.

Well, I dont use Linkedin at all. Simply I dont like it and I'm totaly satisfied with everything I get from FB. But..there is a problem. Problem that FB with every day become more like marketing tool and ppl usually use it in order to earn more money, not to be more socialized. And it's sad. Also it should be mentioned that there are a lot of spamm on FB. But still, I think FB is better and in the battle of FB vs Linkedin, FB is winner ;) Just my randon thoughts:)

I prefer Facebook

Well i prefer linkedin network because in face book not every one join this network. on the linkedin network you can have the pure business and professional people. SO, i prefer likedin over facebook because of that reason!

I always say use both :) But if you want a more professional account, go for linkedin

This is like comparing apples and oranges. Each have their own flavor and appeal.

how can one rely on facebook now as its getting serious privacy issues in Canada specially and banned penalty by Pakistan... is it still fruitful to use this site like before ?

As far as security is concerned which is required for any business to happen safely i think Linked In is the best but on the other hand FB's simple interface makes it more usable and easy to handle. Both of them have their individual advantages and disadvantages, it totally depends on the user who finds which app suitable to his style and usability.

I use both but keep them separate.
I use LinkedIn to keep up to date with my professional network. I try not to have my current boss/co-workers as connections because I use it in my job hunting. Once I give notice at a job then I connect with co-workers.
Facebook is purely personal. I keep in touch with friends and family with it. I have gotten in touch with several old friends through it. Rarely to I have co-workers as friends on facebook. The only ones that are are people I actually like.
In both cases I am careful what I put on them. You never know who could be a friend of a friend - in FB especially.
As to which is better - Since I use each differently that is not a real comparison for me. If I had to give one up it would probably be FB. Linked In serves more of a purpose to me...

FB will face new problems with privacy policy that's why i prefer LinkedIn

Facebook can help you to generate traffic of you niche with various activities, But Linkedin is a professional network on Business and people do use that as connecting with professionals.

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