Help me out guys.I would like to be a publisher of Google Adsense but I do not have a website - is that possible?If so please let me know how I can go about it?

Google AdSense is a program which allows webmasters to earn revenue by advertising to their website visitors. To be accepted into the program, your website must be first accepted.

Their is a site you can check out , but you need to have a adsense account already...

I would rather advise to do this :

Buy a domain for under $20, then open a free blogger account and point your domain to it...

or just open a new blogger account, post 9-10 posts on there, and after 2 weeks make an aplication from google adsense ;)

R u Looking for AdSense Alternatives? Here is a reference guide to the most interesting alternative solutions to monetizing your online content with contextual ads.
Visit this nice site for details

If you want an adsense account without a website, your best bet is to get a free blog on blogger or wordpress and place adsense code there.

or just open a new blogger account, post 9-10 posts on there, and after 2 weeks make an aplication from google adsense ;)

This violates the Google terms of service.

This violates the Google terms of service.

why ??

i said to write 10 articles, not to copy paste 10 articles ;)

this is the difference.

Help me out guys.I would like to be a publisher of Google Adsense but I do not have a website - is that possible?If so please let me know how I can go about it?

No. Google won't allow to use adsense if you have no site. Try to create a blog if you really want to use and earn money through adsense. You can create a blog for free at blogger.

No. Google won't allow to use adsense if you have no site. Try to create a blog if you really want to use and earn money through adsense. You can create a blog for free at blogger.

YEEES !! Google Will Allow you to use Adsense if you have NO site. get a look at service !!!!! or either HubPages !

I agree to them, you can't make money without a site from adsense. Join @ blogger to get your own free website and a blog to build your income from adsense.



Sorry, but you still didn't answer the guys question.

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