
yes and to add to those great ideas, make sure your content is unique and worthwhile, get traffic and google will definetly notice you

You must work on your SEO, both on page and off page. Make certain that your site has unique and quality content. Work on your meta tags and your headline tags.

With regards to off page, you should do forum posting and blog commenting, classifieds, and article writing and submission. With the articles you should also make certain that you have quality content. There should be a balance between quality information and keywords. Your sentences should be well structured and informative.

Overall remember that you should prioritize quality over quantity.

To make your site visible to Google, You have to get more backlinks to your site. Specially you have to get more backlinks via anchor text. You can use your main keywords as anchor text. That will help you to listed on Google for the keyword search.

Backlinks are important but you have to make sure that these backlinks dont have poor Pagerank nor those sites you backlink with are blacklisted. Google will penalize your site if its parked in the wrong site.

Three things one has to concentrate to gain traffic through search engine optimization. First is relevant and quality content on a particular keyword usually related to the product/services. Second is link building, link exchange and reciprocal linking so more sites will be pointing to your site as reference. Last one is social media participation

hi friends

only SEO and unique posts will help you

Quality backlinks will do you the favor by getting you higher ranking.

Just keep on linking to authority sites in your niche.

In short, find some similar blogs and hence comments, emphasize on social networking sites, write articles and hence submit those, submit your site to top directories, posts some informative news in a forum.

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