What are the best social networks which you guys are using to get more traffic to your websites? I am using twitter & Facebook.

It all depends where your intended audience is at. If you are targeting a small niche that may not particularly visit Twitter, you need to find where they are and interact with them, either through some social media outreach or advertising.

Second above post... it depends... Some may be focused only on general audiences for the reason of so many users but you can also prefer to choose sites that focus only on particular interests.

Yes, each target audience is going to have a different stream that they use. If your customers are indeed consumers (B2C) then effective means would be twitter, facebook, stumbleupon, digg, delicious) however if your customers are businesses (B2B) effective tools still include facebook and twitter, but now you have professional networks to use too such as Linkedin, Reddit, Sprouter and more.

Overall, my favorites are Twitter (I use Hootsuite to manage it), Worio (to bookmark pages and build backlinks), Blogger (which gives you backlinks and search engine space along with the ability to inform your audience and gain credibility).

All in all, try all different types of social media and you'll be able to tell which are working and which are a waste of time.

Good luck!

I do not meant to be repetitive but I happen to think that it all depends on what we are hoping to accomplish. We must also keep in mind, and I have said this all too often, that the vast majority of the people in social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are there to socialize and have fun. If we keep this in mind when accepting friends and followers, we will only accept/request those interested in business relations with you (be it as business or as consumers). If someone is not interested in what you have to offer, your efforts will be in vain, even if you reach the 5,000 friends allowed (on Facebook at least).

Do not lose focus, always remember your niche and your goal.

Despite the huge success of sites like MySpace, Friendster and Reunion.com, millions of people have not yet seen the advantages of social networking. Here are some more social networks that you can increase traffic:


Well I just read a blog that stated one of the best social networks is FourSquare, the social network site that does geolocating as well.

The largest social network, Facebook ooffer very different ways to build product image and promote it socially. Facebook provides a better platform for publishing videos, photos, audio and music, as well as discussion boards, polls, etc all of which is easily accessible. In my opinion facebook provide you better platform to promote your product. In my opinion facebook provide you better platform to promote your product .Facebook provide

  • Facebook provides a better platform for publishing rich media.
  • Facebook offers better, easier integration with your website.
  • Facebook offers better two-way communication.
  • Facebook offers a much larger audience.
  • Better control over content.
  • Facebook's advertising platform gives you the ability to promote your brand faster.
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