Hi everybody!

Did you know that FB is going to be a paid Social Networking System since July 10-th 2010?
They are going to charge $4 per month and some other services in FB are going to be paid as well.

What do you think about it?

For real? I did not know this - I did not find this information on the site. Can you include a link for reference?

There's no way Facebook will start charging for basic use. Everyone will go somewhere else if they do.

then ill get back to friendster if that happens

is this true? may i know your source? this will be the death of facebook. ask people to pay and people will look for new sites or don't use anything at all. that's too sad.

I also never hear of this.If Facebook are paid by public that would not be on a good sutuation to facebook .I agree if it's pay .people will transfer to some other SNS.such as twitter.

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