Hello Friends,
how does google return such good answers when you type in a query.
what parameters follow by google.

Google having a superfluous Algorithm, which can grab all relevant details to you query. It is more consistent.

yeah, they have some of the best coders and their algorithm tracks many aspects like how many pages link back to your site, how old your domain is, and whether people visit the links returned from the search and whether they come back. if they leave google and come right back that means the site probaly was not relevant whereas if they did not come righ back they probably found what they wanted. relevance is important to google on many levels.

forgot to mention that they also have *a lot* of servers indexing and sorting and updating all that info

Dear What do you think about google, google is at no one because of such kind of services..........

Because everyone knows Google is awesome. :)

they change their algorithm from time to time that really enforces seo people to put related and quality links for the viewers

It is what makes it Google. Their powerful algorithm makes all this possible.

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