Hi friends, welcome to all. For last two days i cant able to suggest my like page to friends in facebook. Is their any other ways to increase likes in like page? I am waiting for your suggestions....

I'm not sure. What do you mean you can't 'Like' pages? Why not? Is Facebook not working for you?

Buy them from any service provider for a few bucks, instead of wasting your time.

there should be a better solution, other than buying in buks

Yeah, its frustrating. Even i am experiencing the same error from yesterday. Sometimes the "Like" option does not work.

You should reflect to system administrators

I'm not sure about your question!

I am not Understand you question!

me should not understand your question and i am not give well suggest.

There are some people out there that will get you likes for a small fee. Check out some internet marketing forums and sites like fiverr for more details

I hope you asking about some other technique to increase your likes I am correct... ?

add people who have interest in the niche you are working on then suggest them the page. you need to be patient when it comes to increasing your fans

i never face this problem as same you facing i think there is some technical problem

Like the relative theme based pages of your facebook page. Post knowledgeable content and comments on it, join likewise facebook groups and communities. Interact with peoples having same interest and try to solve their related issues and problems. It would increase your social interaction and ultimately increase your facebook likes.

Hope this helps.

advertise your page on facebook that is the only way you can get likes.

do you want to increase facebook likes? or is there any problem with you fbml page?

I also faced the problem and looking for the solution.

If you are not into buying them, its just a matter of working on your site traffic, and giving your viewers incentive to "like" your page. I've seen small prizes, page points and such being given out. It should be a fun campaign to do, I myself am doing the same for my sites. Good luck!

If the question is how to increase your likes for your Facebook page, you have to provide a convincing reason for people to want to do that. For a business, you can offer a special discount or sale that is only available if they like you on Facebook.

There are lots of way to doing like your pages, first of all you do increase frainds circle and tag them or send a message that they do like your page.

In my view you should create a profile which looks real and connect with real same theme profiles.

Yes, it's happening some times. Have ever done any activities against facebook privecy policy? like spammy activities. Okay so you need to wait for some days, after that you may be abale to sent request etc..

You need to make more friends to get more likes.

Hi ,

I can generate likes to your facebook fan page from actual people within short time spans . I can also provide google + , twitter followers and you tube subscribers

1000 Facebook Likes + votes - 25 $ USD : delivered withint 2 - 5 workin days

10,000 facebook likes - 100$ USD : delivered within 5 - 10 working days

you can get in touch with me at jude[at]rocketforward.net

Jude Dcoutho

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