I Will prefer chitika on it based sites and adsense on other sites but overall i think chitika pays more , what do u think ?

Chitika is optimal for technical reviews sites.

adn adsense ?

What about Click Share. I highly recomend them!

I Will prefer chitika on it based sites and adsense on other sites but overall i think chitika pays more , what do u think ?

i didn't like chitika:mad:, now i use click-share.com and i have no complains:)

Chitika has better customer support while adsense just tells you to go to the hand book and look.

well obviously Adsense...

Chikita target their ads by how your site was found . So for example if your site was found on google search with the keyword " credit cards " the ads that will be displayed are around that niche.

I have read that chikita do pay very well if you have decent SE traffic. Yahoo and MSN searches give better Ecpm than google search.

Never had any success with chitika in last 5 years.Adsesne is still the best.

i thnk adsense

I never heard about Chitika...

commented: pointless post, not just here for the sig link spam are you? -2

Adsense is always best.

AdSense and Tribal Fusion after that.

Chitika gold ads are good but adsence is more better for anyone.

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