Do you have an Idea to create Attractive Articles? Please give us your good idea.


Attractive articles in what sense? Just good, interesting articles? Huh??

Hi... here are some useful tips for creating Attractive articles :
Topics should ensure rich information to fully satisfy the reader all the way through his reading. Each and every sentence of your article should encourage the reader to read it further. Be clear about subject of the article and focus on human interest and deliver what they expect.

some important factors about writing post on which your article beauty depends:
1. Always select attractive title to your post.
2. First paragraph of the article should reveal what you are going to express in your rest of the article.
3. Make a habit to hyperlink your tags.
4. Keep your articles short and explanative.
5. Check the errors such as grammars, punctuation marks, spellings etc
6. Finally, write the conclusion of your article in end paragraph

Also, write to your audience. Most people on the internet have problems with words more than 3 syllables, and a vocabulary above that of an eighth grader. I'm sorry but it's true. Most internet users are, well, uneducated.
Now if you're writing to a scientific journal, then you better not include any words less than 3 syllables to make you sound smarter... lol

@epicrevolt, I agree with you. Articles must be written in a way that it is well understood directly by your audience. And carefully assess the grammar and composition of each article produced.

In addition, at least an image in each post will help too (an image related to the topic). As well as inserting SEO in each post will help you to increase traffic to your site for more viewers.

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