Hello Guys,

I have a new webmaster and web development blog called SilentGun ans I was looking for advice on different techniques and methods which I can use to promote and market my blog across the web.

What are your suggestions ? Which techniques have you used ? Which ones were succesful ?

Thanks in advance for your time and comments.

Best Regards,

SEO the site.
Email Blasts

The best way to get maximum visitors to your website is to create some forum profiles and be active. While replying to threads, include your website URL. So that every person who reads the reply will visit your website. Also article marketing is good idea for this. Choose a good article writing service and buy some. Then publish it in web with a link to your website. Whenever a visitor reads the article, if the article is informative, they will really visit your website.

I agree with saifumonms - given your niche, other webmaster forums would be a good place to build some profile. You could also try to offer something on your site to give them incentive to visit - possibly asking for their own expertise & provide a DoFollow link as a thank you for contributing? Offer them more than a typical forum does - like a more robust profile, etc.


agree with above , plus use social networking as a tool to promote your blog

Yes i agree with the SEO stats of above . But how to i promote a website if i had given a product and asked to promote it so that someone should buy.I had done Email blast upto 5000 but only 2510 has opened the mail till yet and none of them has purchased the products. Can u suggest some other methods that will help in selling products through online

All SEO strategies can help you promote your site. Just be careful tho and do not spam.

Blog commenting,forum posting,article writing and social media marketing to promote your website or blog.

Hello Guys,

I have a new webmaster and web development blog called SilentGun ans I was looking for advice on different techniques and methods which I can use to promote and market my blog across the web.

What are your suggestions ? Which techniques have you used ? Which ones were succesful ?

Thanks in advance for your time and comments.

Best Regards,

To market your blog , the best way is the social networks as these days social media plays the major role in getting the traffic for your site. So promote your blog on your social media profile , get response for your blog. And then re-respond them back for their comment and provide more useful information in your comment so that visitor stick to your site and blog. And this way you can get more traffic for your blog and when your blog getting old, recycle it so still it can transfer the traffic.

Use SEO and social networks to promote your blogs, it is a simple and most effective way to promote your blog or website.

Thanks in advance for your time and comments

Social networking gives better result. So try it out.

Do both step of SEO as better as you can. First check out the on page settings and then start the Off Page work. Social bookmarking, Proper Social media, Industrial blogs, guest blogging. make sure that every step you are going to conduct should be very content concious. Your contect can make a big diffrence. This is what can bring a good targeted Trafic to your blog. Social networking is not much enough for your blog ... you should do more steps of Off page to market your blog. as mentioned above.

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