Hi I'm newbie in FB marketing. I just want to add relevant users at Fb but problem is when I search in my niche and send friend request to other people some of them accept and some of them reject. So my account gets disable to send requests to new users some time. is there any safe way to increase friends on FB ??

wow, facebook has mechanisms in place to detect people buying "friends" now?
You're violating the TOS and being punished for it, tough luck. If people really like you, they'll find you.

If you need to pay people to be your "friend", you're not worth having as a friend.

In real if u want to connect your FB account with various friend then give them friend request.Your account shold be very attactive, by the help of this all friends are comes to your account.

have a attractive account status...

There is only one simple rules to get more Facebook friends. Post relevant contents, news, events, information on your facebook timeline or fan page. People from your business niche will automatically send you request or follow your pages. Initially It will take some time but once they find your post useful, they will get back to you. So good Luck.

If you want to increase the FB friends then send the friend request to your friends. Send only 5 to 10 friend requests to your friends.

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