How effective facebook for business? How can I use facebook effectively to increase my business on ecommerce?

this question is way to vague to provide a decent answer, but I'll try anyway.

first of all: check whether or not you can actually use facebook. it may reach a lot of people, but that does come with a cost. if your business offers privacy to your clients: don't use facebook. it would probably show al your 'members (clients)' online, which is the very opposite from privacy.

what exactly do you plan to do ? just advertise your e-shop? in that case, whenever you see a discussion about an article you sell, drop a hint that you recently saw said article for a lesser price, and post a link. just don't overdo it. people will consider it spam and you'll loose customers rather than gaining them.

you can put up a page for your store, have your friends and customers like it, so it'll get in the open. you can also pay facebook for advertisements.

but in the end: it all comes down to your e-shop. no matter how good your marketing strategy is, if your e-shop doesn't deliver what the customer wants, it won't help you.

Thanks for the tip.

Facebook is a great way to target your customer base. It is a tough nut to crack because people are there to play. Keep your sharing low key. People do not want to be hit up with ads on Facebook.

It is the most effective meand as we can reach many people easily. Regular posting with useful information can attract many so as they can follow your business.

Incorporating an article from this forum about social media optimization, Facebook, being one of the many social media websites, is vital in making a presence among the end users, otherwise known as customers.

As differentiated from search engine optimization, using Facebook will help you reach out to your customers in such a manner, where they can see you interact with them.

In this way, there is a relationship built between the business and its customers. All the positive effects to the business will follow.

Thank you. Don't forget to join appropriate Facebook groups. If people pull together in them, they are great!

In order to generate sales from Facebook, you first need to create engagement and build an audience
2. Run giveaways and contests
3.Create themed product collages to attract
4.Offer time constrained rebates
5.Showcase topics that start comparsion between two products

I love my Facebook Business page for marketing. I am able to target my local customer base. The key is to keep it very low key and focus on relationships. Remember people are on social media to have fun.

Thanks for the useful tips! I say it is based on your local business niche and if you have an engaing website that comes with your Facebook.

Also, you need to post engaging topics where you can create interaction between you and your audience.

Short answer - It's extremely usefull. You can reach a lot of prospective customers on facebook groups for example very fast unlike the time it take for you to do seo for your site and wait for the rankings to increase.

Promote your business through Facebook groups in your niche, if you can write appealing posts you can get a lot of leads this way, stay clear of spamming them, a lot of people do it and it generally hurts more than it helps.

Facebook or myspace (FB) will give traders their every quarter look into its financial efficiency on Wed mid-day, a chance for the public to see how well the company is using its tremendous users list to provide promoters. At least one viewer has already determined that the effort so far has been a major failing.A Forrester (FORR) review launched this week interviewed 395 promoters about what kind of internet marketing they find most efficient. They generally indicated uncertainty about sites in common, position Facebook or myspace at the very platform of the list. Participants known as LinkedIn (LNKD) and Tweets more efficient than the world’s greatest online community.

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