I heard from many webmasters and seo's who say that going for a press release is good and might get you some nice backlings.

are they still worth something, especially if you are launching a new site.

* what are the benefits ?
* does anybody have experiences with PR releases?

Just share your thoughts, please

I have found that they are benificial for gaining some backlinks. I have found that writing articles related to your website is better than writing a press release since you will find more people will post a informative article on there website.

which sites should i use to make a press release!

Aside from backlinks, they're really good for viral marketing, because blog entries and press releases and the sort get syndicated throughout the web.

yeah! i got some nice backlinks for my press release. I spent $50 for prleap and $80 for prweb. i still feel that prweb is a good one as i got into yahoo news. i got few orders too from the traffic i received from releasing press releases. i got 5/5 for the press release i submitted.

Morning y'all,

At what point do you feel a Press Release is appropriate? Do you do it the moment your site it up and running? Or, do you wait 6 - 12 months until you have something for people to actually look at... posts... threads... some membership?



Morning y'all,

At what point do you feel a Press Release is appropriate? Do you do it the moment your site it up and running? Or, do you wait 6 - 12 months until you have something for people to actually look at... posts... threads... some membership?



it would be best if you wait for sometime and then go for press release. for me since it was directory, i worked for about 6 months and later after getting PR and everything i released press release. i got some nice orders too with the traffic from press release.

I would suggest to publish your press release on your own site first before you look to publish it elswhere later you can look for other free/paid mode of press release.

I think PRWEB is one of the better once and should be used with regular intervals.



Speaking as a journalist in the IT field, and Contributing Editor of the UK's biggest selling monthly IT magazine, I can state that the secret to getting coverage from a press release is simple:

Have something interesting, unusual and useful to talk about.

No matter how well written, no matter if you employ the services of an expensive PR agency to distribute it, no matter what else you do - if it isn't worthy and interesting then magazines that matter, online and off, just won't cover it.

While there is merit in going for the viral marketing approach, there still needs to be a measure of weight amongst the blogs that cover the story. Volume alone is not a valid metric, in my humble opinion, and certainly does not carry the same value as getting covered by a couple of heavy hitters.

I think a press release is a good ideas as I know many people who trawl through PR websites to look for a good story. also they, as people have pointed out are really easy to link to and if its a good Release you'll see that alot a blogs, newsites will be attracted to the Press Release.

I've had good results from press releases in the past. They are sooooo worth it!

where do i look for press relase and news content to publish on my website?

i noticed that major news sites like PRWEB do not allow their content to be published on sites providing competitive services.


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