in my cpanel i have counter called "add to favorite" , and i can't understand how does this counter work , cause after someone bookmark a website or added to my favorites does the browser sends data to the site telling it that it has been bookmarked or added to favorites.....

i think you must be right. I am not a user of Cpanel but that sounds about right to me. Unless you maybe have to put a link that on your site that says "add to favourites" and it does but it also sends information to your cpanel counter?

What is the name of your site? Set the counter back to null and I will add your site to my favourites and we will see what it does...

Many web browsers nowadays associate an icon with a favorites item, a request for favorite.ico on the web server.

Many web browsers nowadays associate an icon with a favorites item, a request for favorite.ico on the web server.

yes i know and i made an icon for my website in the name favicon.ico ....but i still can't understand what this counter "added to favorites" in my cpanel counts?? where does it get its data

Many web browsers nowadays associate an icon with a favorites item, a request for favorite.ico on the web server.

This is true but just because the browser requests it, it doesn't mean the person has added it to their favourites because they often display them in the address bar as well and at the left hand side of the tab, so that would mean the cpanel counter would count every time it displayed the web page.

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