I have just written an article on how to advertise your site for free on the internet.. If you're interested in having a look at it you can read it at http://www.appsoftheweb.com/articles/advertising_your_site_for_free.htm

Feel free to post it on your own site too if you like

Very interesting. I'm going to go read it now ...

ok, make sure you tell me what you think of it!

Good article. I liked it. You might want to add a few links to other resources like META tag creators, online marketing tutorials, and maybe a few pictures describing how spidering works.

I might go more in-depth if I write a new article. Don't really like making changes now since there's a lot of other sites that have posted it too.

Otherwise... not a bad idea though!

Very good article.

I found it very informative.

hey looks like your site is down :(

I'm very interested in reading your article, when your site gets back online please let me know :)

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