Hello there! I am about to launch a dating website targeting single Western men who are seeking to establish meaningful/casual relationships with Eastern European/Asian women. We are also offering customized tours for those willing to meet their cyber date in her country. My question is how to attract men to my website and actually make them become paid members. According to my research, the majority of men who register on this type of websites are from Europe, while Americans make only about 20% of it. While I probably can target American men by placing ads in local newspapers, how do I get to European/Australian men? Also, since men will register only if they see a substantial number of women on the site, how do I get women registered if I don't have any men?

Thank you in advance for your replies.

I think you can try finding other dating sites similar to what you are trying to do and see where they advertise.

This might help at least get you started. You may have to find international sites to advertise on. It would help if you had ads in multiple languages. Just do some searches for sites, I dont think there is a simple answer, your just going to have to start getting all the traffic a little at a time.

With the kind of services you are offering, there is huge potential of customers and traffic. You just have to keep your basics right all the time. Usually we only focus on big things and forget the basics. Points to remember are:

1. Ensure that you act on your customer's feedback immediatly.
2. Always respond to your customers in time. This keeps confidence and they spread good words about ur site.
3. Submit to as many free directories as possible.
4. Keep improving the look and feel of your site, it always adds freshness.
5. Main focus should be to ensure that your existing visitors keep visiting you.
6. Write about your services and your site as much as possible at whatever place you may find, i.e. press releases, blogs, forums etc.
7. Submit your site to as many social bookmarking sites as possible. This is a trend thats catching up real fast and is giving pretty cool results.

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I hope you will be able to gain some good quality traffic to your site.

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