Hello, I'm an office worker and I love to listen to pop and rap songs. And what music do you like to listen to?

I'm one that enjoys silence most of the time.

Well for me it depends on my mood but pop & rap is my first choice . nowadays i listen to rap music more than pop cuz its more popular . Always staying updated with new music on spotify.

It’s weird because when I was in my teens and early 20s, I absolutely needed background noise while I coded. Usually I would keep the TV on in the background to something I could half listen to while I worked.

Then I started working out of an office in my early 20s, and there was no TV in the room. I started working in silence, and since then, any music, TV, or noise at all I find completely distracting.

After 10 years in an office, I’m went back to working from home, and at first I needed quiet to concentrate. After about 3 years being WFH, I’m back to having the TV on in the background and half watching.

Funny how I wasn’t able to make the switch mentally when coding from home but with an office.

I like to listen motivation song when stress.

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