hey guys... i'm having serios trouble with programming for ie... since i navigate only in mozilla (which in my opinion is more practical, and, in essence, better), i didn't notice my programming didn't render as i pretended in ie, and i don't know where the problem is...

i tested my file in my localhost and by uploading it to geocities and it still has the same problem... what is happening?

here are my files... don't worry, they're clean

whenever u r designing u'r website, alway see that in IE , FF ,Op like browser so that later u dont have problem.

do this
1.put ur table nav_bar inside a div element with id mu123

2. give style to mu123 as:
3.see the result
in html file

<div id='mu123'>
<table  cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="nav_bar" >

in css file


code for html file(it didnt came properly):

<div id='mu123'>
<table  cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="nav_bar" >

You have some busted code:

1. Where are the doctype and html tags?

2. The title tag must be first in the head section.

3. The lack of the doctype and html tags forced the browsers into quirks mode.

4. Remember that putting surrounding styles (margin, border, padding) and defined block object sizes (absolute or relative heights and widths) in the same block tag will ALWAYS cause incompatibilities between IE and FF. FF puts the surrounding styles outside the defined block size, IE puts them inside.

4. Remember that putting surrounding styles (margin, border, padding) and defined block object sizes (absolute or relative heights and widths) in the same block tag will ALWAYS cause incompatibilities between IE and FF. FF puts the surrounding styles outside the defined block size, IE puts them inside.

what should i do then? put all the object's characteristics inside the css?

btw: what is quirks mode?

i still don't understand where he problem is... i changed all the table, td, and tr specifications into the css... but still nothing...

should identify the browser to have different designs for both browsers?

try my solution...or tell me if any prblm in that

it solved my alignment problem... but what about my hovering buttons issue?

thanks, by the way...

what should i do then? put all the object's characteristics inside the css?

Nest two block objects (e.g. div), one with the defined size, and the other with the surrounding styles. That way, you can control which one is inside in an browser-independent way.

btw: what is quirks mode?

It's what the browser does when it doesn't recognize a specific doctype. Usually it reverts to emulating an early version of the browser (e.g. Netscape 5).

sometimes I wanna take my toaster in a bath

Obvious from your avatar.

Nest two block objects (e.g. div), one with the defined size, and the other with the surrounding styles. That way, you can control which one is inside in an browser-independent way.

what i did is what DangerDev suggested... creating an id to text-align:center and assigning it to a div... though, if i remove the padding-left from the nav_bar id, when i open it in FF it doesn't align it to the center...

the rest of the styles are in the nav_bar id and they work perfectly... except for the image change on hover in IE7's case...

It's what the browser does when it doesn't recognize a specific doctype. Usually it reverts to emulating an early version of the browser (e.g. Netscape 5).

i never learned using doctypes... i'll give it a look...

Obvious from your avatar.


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