Hi All,
Can any one help me in dis. I want Flash AS3 bible (Full Tutorial) if any one have can u send it to me.
Bcz i want to learn.



I think that would be illegal..There is plenty of free places online where you can learn actionscript(Id suggest staying away from youtube most flash tuts on that seem to be done by children script kiddies)..just try and do a couple examples online if you cant figure it out ask on the forum and post your code and through trial and error you will start to get the hang of it..

hmm!!! <snipped>Keep It Legal<snipped>

i think flash it self has a bible for help you. follow them.

Please take this as official warning Keep It Legal !

kavithakesav I do recommend that you visit your school library or some of your friemds can borrow some flash title for you. Also it is not necessary as Flash on its own contains large library of tutorials and there are many sites dedicated to flash. So search and learn from them

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