Ahe. Hello, I'm just looking for a login/password/register code that would be helpful for my site. <snipped URL> yes, its a role-play site and It'd be really helpful if people could LOGIN and then it would have a list of who's online. My members would have to register, etc. Then, when they are logged in it would have the member's username.

...Mmm. :)
Help me?

The easiest way (and I hope this isn't against Daniweb policy) is to go to rentacoder.com and pay someone to do it. They will make it to your specifications and it is usually pretty cheap.

Ahe. Hello, I'm just looking for a login/password/register code that would be helpful for my site. <snipped URL> yes, its a role-play site and It'd be really helpful if people could LOGIN and then it would have a list of who's online. My members would have to register, etc. Then, when they are logged in it would have the member's username.

...Mmm. :)
Help me?

I did something quick now hope you like it
i couldn't attach rar file so here is a link to download it from

Best of luck

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