I'm having a tough time eliminating an annoying line break/space in IE. Here's the full code for the page (located at vidora.info):

<title>Vidora.info - The Way Browsing Should Be</title>
<body topwidth="0" bottomwidth="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="middle" align="center">

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<img width="240" height="380" src="vidora_left.jpg">
<td width="350" height="380" align="center" valign="bottom">
<img width="350" height="380" src="vidora_panel5.jpg">
<td valign="top">
<!-- ImageReady Slices (vidora_right2.jpg) -->
<table id="Table_01" width="240" height="380" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="bottom">
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		<td rowspan="2">
			<img src="vidora_right2_02.jpg" width="52" height="152" alt=""></td>
			<a href="download.html"
				onmouseover="window.status='Download Now';  return true;"
				onmouseout="window.status='';  return true;">
				<img src="Download-Now.jpg" width="147" height="78" border="0" alt="Download Now"></a></td>
		<td rowspan="2">
			<img src="vidora_right2_04.jpg" width="41" height="152" alt=""></td>
			<img src="vidora_right2_05.jpg" width="147" height="74" alt=""></td>
<!-- End ImageReady Slices -->


<td colspan="3" valign="top">

<!-- ImageReady Slices (bottom5.psd) -->

<table id="Table_03" width="830" height="125" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<td rowspan="2">
			<img src="bottom5_01.jpg" width="345" height="125" alt=""></td>
			<a href="begin.html" 
				onmouseover="window.status='Begin';  return true;"
				onmouseout="window.status='';  return true;">
				<img src="Begin.jpg" width="144" height="62" border="0" alt="Begin"></a></td>
		<td rowspan="2">
			<img src="bottom5_03.jpg" width="341" height="125" alt=""></td>
			<img src="bottom5_04.jpg" width="144" height="63" alt=""></td>

<!-- End ImageReady Slices -->



It displays just fine in Firefox, but in IE, there's a blank space in between two tables and I need the images to look connected.

Please help!!! Thanks. :)

Here I am getting no difference, i haven't any images belongs to this please attach those images


So what I did was, remove the bottom nested table and added it below. It should work (can't tell though because your page consists of only images).

<title>Vidora.info - The Way Browsing Should Be</title>
<body topwidth="0" bottomwidth="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="middle" align="center">

<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="830" height="380">
<td width="240" align="left" valign="bottom">
<img width="240" height="380" src="vidora_left.jpg"></td>
<td width="350" height="380" align="center" valign="bottom">
<img width="350" height="380" src="vidora_panel5.jpg"></td>
<td valign="top">
<!-- ImageReady Slices (vidora_right2.jpg) -->
<table id="Table_01" width="240" height="380" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="bottom">
		<td colspan="3">
			<img src="vidora_right2_01.jpg" width="240" height="228" alt=""></td>
		<td rowspan="2">
			<img src="vidora_right2_02.jpg" width="52" height="152" alt=""></td>
			<a href="download.html"
				onmouseover="window.status='Download Now';  return true;"
				onmouseout="window.status='';  return true;">
				<img src="Download-Now.jpg" width="147" height="78" border="0" alt="Download Now"></a></td>
		<td rowspan="2">
			<img src="vidora_right2_04.jpg" width="41" height="152" alt=""></td>
			<img src="vidora_right2_05.jpg" width="147" height="74" alt=""></td>
<!-- End ImageReady Slices --></td>

<table id="Table_03" width="830" height="125" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="vertical-align:top">
    <td rowspan="2"><img src="bottom5_01.jpg" width="345" height="125" alt=""></td>
    <td><a href="begin.html" 
				onmouseover="window.status='Begin';  return true;"
				onmouseout="window.status='';  return true;"> <img src="Begin.jpg" width="144" height="62" border="0" alt="Begin"></a></td>
    <td rowspan="2"><img src="bottom5_03.jpg" width="341" height="125" alt=""></td>
    <td><img src="bottom5_04.jpg" width="144" height="63" alt=""></td>
  <!-- End ImageReady Slices -->


let me know if it works.


I think you are newbie for HTML
there is no head tag and also you aren't define margin left and top

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Vidora.info - The Way Browsing Should Be</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
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<table width="100%" height="100%" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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					<img width="350" height="380" src="vidora_panel5.jpg">
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					<td rowspan="2">
					<img src="vidora_right2_02.jpg" width="52" height="152" alt=""></td>
					<td><a href="download.html" onmouseover="window.status='Download Now';  return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';  return true;"><img src="Download-Now.jpg" width="147" height="78" border="0" alt="Download Now"></a>
					<td rowspan="2"><img src="vidora_right2_04.jpg" width="41" height="152" alt=""></td>
					<img src="vidora_right2_05.jpg" width="147" height="74" alt=""></td>
					<td colspan="3" valign="top">
			<table id="Table_03" width="830" height="125" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<td rowspan="2">
					<img src="bottom5_01.jpg" width="345" height="125" alt=""></td>
					<a href="begin.html" onmouseover="window.status='Begin';  return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';  return true;">
					<img src="Begin.jpg" width="144" height="62" border="0" alt="Begin"></a></td>
					<td rowspan="2">
					<img src="bottom5_03.jpg" width="341" height="125" alt=""></td>
					<img src="bottom5_04.jpg" width="144" height="63" alt=""></td>

You are the man macneato, it worked like a charm!

And no, sreein1986, I'm not exactly a newbie. I coded that entire website from scratch with notepad, and I've been designing websites for 7 years. The head tags are to be added later, this is only a beginning template.

Thanks so much for everyone's replies, and especially yours macneato!

it's Ok
then no prob...
and also give margin in style tag ok it is good for every designer don't put in body tag it's not it's my openion
if your prob solved put mark as solved

Hi guys,

I think I may have a similar problem to that as above, but I am not experienced enough to solve the problem using the above solution.

The code is below, and shows a gap between the header pic and below table in IE, but not in Firefox. I am only new to this stuff, so any general suggestions would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance (by the way, this is a newsletter, so I have tried to ensure everything is simple enough ie. used tables etc. so that Outlook etc will show the file. I will be changing the CSS to inline later):

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>BEIMS NEWS: Edition 64</title>
<style type="text/css">

img {border: 0;}
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.mainbar img.inline {border: 1px solid #dedede; padding: 4px; margin-left: 22px;}
table {border-collapse: collapse;} 
body {background-color: #EDEDED;}
.HeaderText {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; color: #333333; text-align: center;}
.contents {font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; color: #0066FF;}
.bodybeims {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal;color: #333333; text-align: left;}
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<td width="202" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="sidebar"><img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/iti.jpg" alt="In this Issue:" width="200" height="96" />
    <p class="bodyheading">&nbsp;</p>
    <ul class="inthisissue"><li class="contents">BEIMS International User Group Meeting (IUGM)
    <br>Now Open for Registration</li>
    <li class="contents"> Homes Out West Community Housing Group implement BEIMS</li>
    <li class="contents"> BEIMS goes to Papua New Guinea with Credit Corporation 
    <li class="contents">pocketBEIMS Remote Request now available for purchase </li>
    <li class="contents">BEIMS HowTo: Loaning Out Equipment</li>
    <li class="contents">New Developments: Do more without lifting a finger with 
    the latest ContractorWEB</li>
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<table width="200" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="bodybeims" width="200"><a name="howto" id="howto"></a><span class="bodyheading">BEIMS HowTo: 
Tracking Loaned Equipment</span><br>
          A number of BEIMS users have set up a process for managing loans of 
equipment to persons within their facilities. This can be achieved in a number 
of ways, including using the Issue/Return functions of BEIMS Materials 
Management System (MMS), but also by making use of the existing Work Order 
    <a href="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/00HowTo-Unplanned_Work_Tasks.pdf" target="_blank" class="mainbarlink">BEIMS HowTo: 
Tracking Loaned Equipment</a><br />
          In this HowTo article, we explain how to keep track of loaned 
equipment and maintain an loan register by simply using a BEIMS Work Order.<br>
    <span class="style1"><a name="pocketrequest" id="pocketrequest"></a></span><span class="bodyheading">Create jobs on the move with pocketBEIMS Remote Request</span><br />
          One of the latest innovations to come out of the BEIMS development department is pocketBEIMS Remote Request. 
          pocketBEIMS Remote Request allows users to submit Work Order requests in real time via their Windows Mobile. Along with pocketBEIMS Work Orders and Asset Collection, BEIMS users now have the comprehensive means of creating, completing and monitoring work order progress and the ability to audit their facilities and collect asset details in the field.<br />
          Upon opening pocketBEIMS Remote Request, the user can easily see the Work Order requests in a particular location or department. If there is necessary work in the area that is yet to be requested, the user can then quickly create a Work Order request using the request edit screens. The customisable request edit screens allow users to add details of work to be completed, the location, costs and expenses, and also allows the user to select a Task.<br />
          With pocketBEIMS Remote Request on their Windows Mobile, maintenance, security or even house-keeping...<a href="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/00pocketBEIMS_remote_request.pdf" target="_blank" class="mainbarlink">Continue reading</a>.<br />
<td width="347" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="mainbar">
    <p class="bodybeims">Dear &lt;first name&gt;,<br>
          It is an exciting time at the BEIMS offices as we have recently opened 
          registrations for the <b>2010 International User Group Meeting</b>. If you have 
          yet to take a look at the details of the event, please follow the link above. 
          Early bird registrations close on the <b>26th February 2010</b>.<br>
    The training and workshop sessions represent great return on investment for all 
          of those facilities staff wishing to extract the most from BEIMS. There will 
          also be plenty of opportunities to socialise with industry peers and BEIMS 
    <p class="bodybeims">
    <img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed64/IUGM-top.jpg" width="300" height="159" alt="BEIMS 2010 IUGM" class="inline" /></a>
    If you have any issues with the registration process, or have any questions, 
    please feel free to contact us on <b>+61 3 9602 2255</b> and we will be 
    happy to assist you with registering.</p>
    <p class="bodybeims">
    Another cause of much excitement is the recent 
    announcement by the Homes Out West Community Housing Group and Credit 
    Corporation (PNG) that their 
    preferred choice of FM software supplier is BEIMS. Read further about these 
    unique implementations below.</p>
    <p class="bodybeims">The development team have recently put the finishing 
    touch to <b>pocketBEIMS Remote Request </b>(featured in the last edition of 
    BEIMS News). The new module allows pocketBEIMS users to make work order 
    requests via Windows Mobile.</p>
    <p class="bodybeims">We look forward to seeing your registration for the 
    IUGM come through soon,
    all the very best!<br>
    <p class="bodybeims">The BEIMS Team.</p>
    <div align="center">
    <p><img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/hr.gif" width="348" height="27" alt="BEIMS" />
    <p class="bodybeims"><span class="bodyheading"><a name="iugm" id="iugm"></a>
    BEIMS 2010 International User Group Meeting</span><br />
    The 4th bi-annual BEIMS International User Group Meeting will be held May 10-14 2010. 
    The week long event will be held at the Angliss Conference Centre (as in 2008) 
    along with other venues such as the Melbourne Aquarium's acclaimed Fishbowl dining room. 
    The 2010 IUGM will consist of a great variety of training sessions, workshops and of 
    course plenty of time to catch up with industry peers.
    <img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/melbourneaquarium.jpg" alt="Melbourne Aquarium Fishbowl" width="200" height="138" vspace="4" align="right" class="inline"/>
    <a href="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/2010_IUGM_Guide.pdf" target="_blank" class="mainbarlink">Download the 2010 IUGM Guide</a>
    <p class="bodybeims">In anticipation of the need to make budgetary requests, BEIMS has provided a guide 
    to the available packages and schedule of the 2010 IUGM. All BEIMS users will be notified of how to register 
    when registrations open on January 19, 2010. Be quick to avoid disappointment!
    <p><img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/hr.gif" width="348" height="27" alt="Hr" /></p><a name="ontrack" id="ontrack"></a><span class="bodyheading">BEIMS is on Track</span>
    <span class="bodybeims">Recently, BEIMS has  been privileged enough to be selected to work with a very exciting and prestigious organisation. 
    <img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/yas-marina.jpg" alt="Yas Marina Pit Complex" width="300" height="160" class="inline" />
    Earlier last month BEIMS helped the island of Abu-Dhabi and the Yas Marina Circuit hold their first Formula One Grand Prix, the seventeenth and final race of the 2009 calendar. The US$1.3 Billion Arabian version of the glamorous Monaco is based around a marina, and includes a theme park, water park, as well as residential areas, hotels and beaches. </span>
    <p align="left" class="bodybeims"><img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/yas-marina3.jpg" alt="Yas Marina Pit Straight" width="300" height="150" class="inline" />
    The circuit is the largest permanent sports venue lighting project in the world, thus relies heavily on BEIMS Material Management System (MMS). 
    <a href="http://www.yasmarinacircuit.com/" target="_blank" class="mainbarlink">yasmarinacircuit.com</a></p>
    <p align="left"><img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/hr.gif" width="348" height="27" alt="Hr" /></p><a name="vrs" id="vrs"></a>
    <span class="bodyheading">Keeping track of visitors with BEIMS Visitor Registration System
    <span class="bodybeims">BEIMS Visitor Registration System (VRS) is a web based module that provides an easy way to keep track of 
    visitors and contractors moving throughout a site on a daily basis. The VRS easily captures whether a visitor is onsite, records 
    their details and brings up a list of buildings to see where they will be carrying out work.
    <p align="left" class="bodybeims"><img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/vrsscreen.jpg" alt="BEIMS VRS Sign-In" width="300" height="142" class="inline" />
    Along with Flinders University (SA), BEIMS has  given the system a thorough field test. Mark Moses of Flinders 
    University discusses the design, developmental challenges and resulting outcomes of the initial VRS implementation:
    <img src="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/vrspass.jpg" alt="BEIMS VRS Pass" width="300" height="168" class="inline" />
    <p align="left" class="bodybeims"><span class="quoteitalics">&quot;Universities are generally open campuses that have thousands of people moving through them every day. 
    They may be students, staff, members of the general public or a  myriad of contractors/consultants coming on campus to carry out specific..</span>
    <a href="http://www.beims.com/newsletter/09/ed63/Flinders University_Visitor _Registration _Paper.pdf" target="_blank" class="mainbarlink">Continue reading</a>.
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I have the same problem indeed.In asp.net i am using html tables.In a page I'm using multiple tables but there is lot of spaces in between each table.Can anyone help me to remove those spaces.

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