i have started a web page with dreamweaver and have a link to a photoshop web gallery on the home page. the gallery is seperated into three different thumbnail pages. when i went to test out the pages on the web browser all the links worked fine except for when i hit the back button that photoshop's gallery provided on the second thumbnail page to go back to the first thumbnail page, when i tried this i got sent to the page that says internet cannot display web page, can any one help?

Sounds like the link on the back button is wrong. Post some code or a link to the page.

<a href="index.html"><IMG SRC="images/arrow_prev.gif" BORDER=0></a>

this is the code for the broken link

....I'm really new at all this!!!

Replace this: <a href="index.html"><IMG SRC="images/arrow_prev.gif" BORDER=0></a> with this: <a href="javascript:history.back()"><img src="images/arrow_prev.gif" border="0"></a>

thank you very much!

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