Is there a way to enable or disable smooth scrolling in CSS?

My site has this very slow smooth scrolling when I enable smooth scrolling in firefox.

<style type="text/css">
	scrollbar-3dlight-color: #ccccff;
	scrollbar-arrow-color: #006666;
	scrollbar-base-color: #FFFFFF;
	scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #006666;
	scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF
	scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;
	scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFFFFF;
	scrollbar-track-color: #ccccff;

use this style sheet to your each page and it's give different looking to scroll the page

Is there a way to slow down the scrolling or something like that?

I think there may be, but I doubt it. If you really want to, you can just add loads of HTML to slow it down. ;-)

Why would you want to slow it down, though?

My website has this kind of 'laggy' scrolling when i enable smooth scrolling in firefox.

My website has this kind of 'laggy' scrolling when i enable smooth scrolling in firefox.

Is it just you, or have others reported it?

Smooth scrolling belongs to the owner of the computer, not to you.

Smooth scrolling belongs to the owner of the computer, not to you.

You need to visit the web site.
They are effecting a smooth scroll, similar to the
Firefox add-on. I have not found another site using
it so far.

JavaScript may be in use to provide the smooth scrolling.

Is there a way to use javascript to reverse the effect?

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