I am trying to embed more than one video on a site. The problem is they all start
playing automatically, I would like to keep them from starting automatically. I get
my code from helloworld.com they use razor stream the videos load up fast and don't
stutter. If anyone with this kind of knowledge could help me I would really appreciate it.
I've tried everything I could on my own and have managed to do things like get rid of the status bar, loop the video, but can't get them to stop playing automatically. I was told by the server support that I get the code from, that if I knew what I was doing I could get it to work but that they would not help me do it themselves their programers are to busy. Also I would appreciate it if someone that knows about this stuff might be able to direct me somewhere where I could learn about it more. Feel free to play with it.

This is the code I am trying to modify:

<iframe width='320' height='240' frameborder='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling=no src='http://widgetpf.razorstream.com/widgets/v.1.0/inc/mediaplayer.aspx?lic=hw&accHex=3656ba4d-5fa8-4f9e-9906-ae1c18ac73c5&mediaID=20033573&mediaTag=&ts=1226989656211&expires=false&ipLock=false&ip='></iframe>

Please Help

<EMBED SRC="filename" autostart="false"></EMBED>
<EMBED SRC="filename" autostart="false"></EMBED>

Hey danishbacker thanks for the tip i've only gotten two responces to my problem. Of dozens of tech forums yours and one at cnet are the only responces I've recieved. Unfortunately I've tried the autostart=false and the autostart="false" autostart=no autostart=0 etc etc yet I couldn't get any to work. If you have a few minutes feel free to play with the code stick it on a blog site and try it out. I've tried the formentioned all over the code and can't get any to work. Anyhow what I do appreciate, is you took the time to give a suggestion and that's cool.


For who ever may sometime want to know I figured out the answer to my question. So the piece was =false&autostart= I just kept plugging different things in and I tried mimicking the language on the code. It has to be right in this spot or it doesn't work. =true&statusbar=false&repeat=false&autostart= I thank the two guys that tried to help me, danishbacker at this forum and Kees Backer at cnet.com.


I didn't get you, if it is not solved
try this &autostart=false" pass this in the url like src="filename.flv&autostart=false&volume=75&loop=false"" this is sample i got from podcast mp3 player's code. I put volume and loop as an example you can pass values like this.

I didn't get you, if it is not solved
try this &autostart=false" pass this in the url like src="filename.flv&autostart=false&volume=75&loop=false"" this is sample i got from podcast mp3 player's code. I put volume and loop as an example you can pass values like this.


Actually it was =false&autostart= that's what worked.
I have a new question though if you git a chance check it out.
Same section in the forum.


danpad it should not be the other way around, you just messed up the pattern. Check this out from your originally posted code


it is always attribute (status bar, repeat, full screen) followed by value (false or true). Not the other way around

Try it its the only way that it works

I just wanted you know that you may inadvertently disabled something and this may cause some issues in the future as the false is not associated with autostart but something else.

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