
I have this problem that I need to play a flash website in full screen mode. That runs fine but then I have a link where we have an FLV video component. Whenever I browse to the link having the FLV video, the video goes fullscreen and fills the whole screen. I want the FLV so that it remains at the original video dimensions while I'm at Full Screen. Any suggestions please. Also I have another problem, if I let the video play in full screen, then when I press escape to get out of video it exits the full screen mode as well, how can I exit the video yet not exit full screen mode.

BTW, I've searched the internet and couldn't find any example of flash where we have flv video in full screen mode website.

i faced the same problem :(

Hey guy and m.
OK, I think I can help with the escape key thing, but I'm not sure on the video scaling problem.

From what you've said, I'm assuming that you're listening for the escape key in your AS and then firing off some code to navigate away from the video page...If that's the case then the thing to bear in mind is that in flash player, the escape key is bound as a hot-key to exit the full-screen mode.

So, if you've put some code into your movies actionscript to pick up presses of the escape key, then unfortunately flash player will intercept the escape keypress before your .swf does and will interpret that you want to exit fullscreen mode. So the functionality in your swf which you've bound to the escape key will not get called.

Likewise, if you were to try binding some functionality in your movie to the F5 key, so the user presses F5 and your movie does something...In a standalone instance of flashplayer your movie would work fine and would properly pick up and process presses of the F5 button and your bound functionality would be executed....However in most web browsers, F5 is bound to the 'refresh page' functionality. So if you were running your .swf in a browser, your browser would intercept and proceses presses of F5 before your .swf. In other words your browser will refresh the web-page causing your .swf to be reloaded.

If you want the user to press a key to get out of the video, you could try listening for a different keypress in your actionscript.

So that's one point out of the way...I guess the moral there is:
Don't listen for keys in your flash movie which are bound to flashplayer or your browser!

As for the video going full screen when the flash website is viewed full-screen, I'm really not sure what to do there.

Typically, if you have a 400X400 .swf and in it you have a 200X200 flv in the centre of the stage, viewing the .swf full-screen will cause the .swf to go fullscreen and will also cause the flv component to be scaled up proportionally (or perhaps disproportionately, depending on your flv components settings). But I've never seen it cause the flv to go full screen...So I can't help there!

If it's the scaling up which you object to, I've had a quick mess around with Flash 8's flv component (I don't have CS3/4 yet!) and I'm not sure the best way around it..I can't see anything in the flv components properties that can be of any help. I haven't found a way of fixing the flv components size to stop it from being resized when the swf containing it is resized...Probably best to take a look at some of Adobe's forums and ask there..If anybody knows, they should!

Anyways, hope this was of some help to you.
Cheers for now,

To prevent the FLVPlayback component from taking over the whole screen when going into full screen mode you can set the fullScreenTakeOver property on the component to false, for example:

my_FLVPlybk.fullScreenTakeOver = false

Hope this helps.

To prevent the FLVPlayback component from taking over the whole screen when going into full screen mode you can set the fullScreenTakeOver property on the component to false, for example:

my_FLVPlybk.fullScreenTakeOver = false

Hope this helps.


Thanks for this tip - this worked to solve a problem I was having with a small FLV Logo that would take over the screen when I would activate the FullScreen mode feature in SlideShowPro Component.

Many thanks!

(Now if I could just figure out how to use SSPs halt(): method!!!)

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