Hi Every One,

I Guess Every One Is Managing for Doing Good Even Though It Is the Time For Economic Down Turn, now guys I got a Request for You all
My name Is Pradeep I am From Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh,India.
I Completed My +2 and at Present I am Doing My Degree First Year But almost in the position To Discontinue as my Family Position is Not So Good To Continue My Studies So Due to this I am Working In A Hospital For 3000/Month As A Data entry Operator & it is Becoming Hard to Continue With My Salary As Cost Raises Enormously so I Planed To Change My Job & Trying For a BPO Opportunity But Due TO Low Communication Skills & Educational Background i got it Becomes Very Hard To Achieve That....

Then By God's Grace I Mete A Person Who Is About To Establish his Own Organization He IS Impressed with my Qualifications & Background what he Told Is I Don’t Need Any Degree Certificates Are Any Thing What I need is The Person Who Can Full Fill MY Job Requirements With Out Fail ....i.e.....

Honesty , an open mind , sharp learning ability
Good communication skills
Smart thinking and fast thinking in any situation
Accountability - ( Work once taken - has to be completed-No blames on anyone else )
IT requirements
Create, maintain and service a simple web-site ( OR ) have ability to interact and manage a web-hosting company - taking responsibility that the company website will work as asked by the top management.
System analysis of the data needs and input formats. Identifies areas of concerns and opportunities for performance improvements
Designing of the output reports based on the pre-defined formats as well as customized reports
Working with the technical partners for the design and development of the modules related to Infrastructure
Testing and debugging of the modules related to Infrastructure
Analysis of reports/data and generation of reports
Support to Top Management in all reporting requirement
Prepare training course material on the use of MIS
MIS Manager would be involved in developing and maintaining monitoring protocols reports and supervise data processing services
Assist in preparation of data warehouse for MIS
Imports exports and integrates data between systems.
Improves existing reports, data and processes.
Formats and presents data graphically in charts / tables.
Develops meaningful, actionable reports using reporting /query tools
Other :
Ability to manage Office administration duties
Ability to Multi-task
I am Capable of Generating MIS Reports & Reports Analyzing & Every Thing Except-
1.Create, maintain and service a simple web-site
2.Working with the technical partners for the design and development of the modules related to Infrastructure
3.Testing and debugging of the modules related to Infrastructure
4.Assist in preparation of data warehouse for MIS

That Gentleman Gave 1 Year Duration To Learn All This & He Promised me Seriously That If I am Capable of Reaching all This Requirements He is Sure about Giving a Job With Good Salary

Even Though He Told Me To Learn I am Not In The Position To Learn This Type Of Courses By Paying The Fees So I request You Guys To Help Me To Sort Out Where Could I get This Coaching Material for Free & is There I any Person That is Welling to Teach Me Through Internet Or By Through His Home Place

I am Really Thankful To all You Guys For Listening To me By Spending Your Valuable Time For Reading This, It will Be really epresiatable if I Get valuable Replies for This As it IS Very Important & Urgent..

Thanks for Your Time,

[email snipped]

there are lots of resources available on the internet..
let us know, what all do you presently know ?

and please post in the appropriate forum...

Start at w3scools.com , also remove the email id from your post , it is not allowed here.

there are lots of resources available on the internet..
let us know, what all do you presently know ?

and please post in the appropriate forum...

Hi aashishn86,

I Know Only how TO Generate Data In Excel Sheets & How To Generate MIS Reports Other Than This Every Thing Is New To Me.

You can Probably Say Me as a starter. In Learning IT Technology

start with html ....

W3Cschool is the best place to start and then you can more onto the php and css sites to get more advance stuff but reall yhte best way to leanr is to do just do it

good work

Start at w3scools.com , also remove the email id from your post , it is not allowed here.

I have to agree this is a good site to start with!

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