First off let me start by saying that my HTML is pretty basic. I am trying to design a real estate site for my wife. Her company has templates that you can use and I am trying to customize it. The page looks great in IE but when I open it in Firefox it looks horrible. Part of the code is displayed on the page and the table doesn't seem to be the same as in IE. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!


Its kind of hard to tell since there is a scripting language involved, but we definitly should not be able to see the following in your source code:

<% if($mc->hasVirtualTours() && $mc->hasOpenHouses())
     $cellWidth = 25;
   else if(!$mc->hasVirtualTours() && !$mc->hasOpenHouses())
     $cellWidth = 50;
     $cellWidth = 33;
   { %>

More than likely you have not closed a script tag properly or have an extra ' " or something of that nature.

Does comcast support server-side scripts? That is the other possibility, that the script is not executing because the server doesn't support it.

Like I said before, my HTML skills are pretty basic and I really have no experience with javascript. I am going off a template supplied by my wife's comapny. How can I find out if Comcast supports server-side scripts? Thanks!

Its kind of hard to tell since there is a scripting language involved, but we definitly should not be able to see the following in your source code:

<% if($mc->hasVirtualTours() && $mc->hasOpenHouses())
     $cellWidth = 25;
   else if(!$mc->hasVirtualTours() && !$mc->hasOpenHouses())
     $cellWidth = 50;
     $cellWidth = 33;
   { %>

More than likely you have not closed a script tag properly or have an extra ' " or something of that nature.

Does comcast support server-side scripts? That is the other possibility, that the script is not executing because the server doesn't support it.

The <% %> brackets indicate ASP. Your host must support ASP processing for this code to run.

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