i am somewhat of a beginner with macromedia mx 6.0 software but i am pretty familiar with how html goes. i am making a new website for the dog kennel that i work at and i need some help with putting in a fram on the left side of the page.my goal is to have this frame with a separate background than the main part of the document and to have the navigation links to the other pages along with that frame. but i am not familiar on how to get a code for frames onto my website please help. My page

I f you add frames to your page using angelfire, you will have this banner on top of each frame so you would probably want to switch the ad to a pop up even though it is anoying...

You might want to check this tutorial here. It should give you everything you need to make your own frames.

If you need more help, feel free to ask.

can you help me get my navigation box aligned with my title and is there anyway i can get a background onto the background of just the nagvigation box?

You only need to use this code in the td tag where you have your navigation menu table.

background="image.jpg" valign="top"

frames are better avoided. Its an outdated method of easy navigations. For one search engines would find it difficult to index ur website

I scond that, frames are not worth it. I had a site that was made up of a top frame, left frame & a center/main frame & on my pc it look fine without any scroll bars, but on most other machines, scroll bar city.

I scond that, frames are not worth it. I had a site that was made up of a top frame, left frame & a center/main frame & on my pc it look fine without any scroll bars, but on most other machines, scroll bar city.

Frames are not suggested but not because of the scroll bars. They would cause many conflicts in pages we develop nowadays. Especially in .NET.

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