I Am looking for a cheap or free website builder i have some knowage of html but was looking for a WYSIWG format as i will not be the only one working on the site if anyone can help let me know thanks


You may want to consider SiteStudio. It is included free with hosts using H-Sphere Control Panel. It has many templates. Easy to use.

i used 1&1.co.uk , very easy to use and i knew nothing about web designing

I use PHP Designer. Dont' let the name throw you, it's not just a PHP page builder. It's got TONS of useful features (such as a library that has documentation on each and every tag for HTML, PHP, SQL, CSS, and XML). It also has a built-in webpage previewer, so you can preview your work without having to open up a separate browser. Unfortunately, it's not all that WYSIWYG.

For ultimate WYSIWYG (that's free), check out WebDwarf. The only things I have against WebDwarf, is that it creates alot of geometry and object files. So, if you're using a free website provider that allows you to upload 1 file at a time, this can be a pain in the butt. But, if you're allowed using FTP, or multiple file uploading....you're good.

Check www.nvu.com.
It's a free WYSIWYG software to design webs.
It works for Windows, Linux and Mac.
Good luck.


If you are newbie like me one of easy editor is Bluevoda. You can check their tutorials page: http://www.vodahost.com/tut_bluevoda.htm

In Bluevoda threre is no commands for saving or opening pure html files. When you preview your page in browser Bluevoda produces html pages to folder c:\documents and settings\windows username\local settings\temp\preview. From there you can take ready html files.
If you like to use Bluevoda's easy publish and ftp functions you need to buy a Vodahost account.

i used 1&1.co.uk , very easy to use and i knew nothing about web designing

I did not like when I found out ! & 1 .com same company but cheaper

Just get HTML-KIT from Chimai Its easy to extend and is as capable as my Dreamweaver MX Not to mention its packed with hundreds of user addons and mods.



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