Help!! I need to make a website. This is what I've come up with ... can you see my problem? The only program I know how to use is Microsoft Publisher and it sucks! I was told its codes complex the whole web design procedure more than it should nonetheless, it's the only one I know how to use because of how user friendly it is. I don't have the money to pay someone and I'm looking for something extremely simple, that with the proper tools I could create by myself.

I've never made a website before except through one of those user friendly hosting sites, where I used html coding here and there. I really want to be able to create this myself. Does anyone have any advice about what free user friendly programs I could use and where I should start?

Thanks in advance.

a simple free version you can use is microsoft front page and i think there is a free version of it available on the web. It is user friendly to new designers. You can also try a free version of Adobe dreamwwaver as a 30 day trail and see how it goes.

Thanks so much ApocDen!

FrontPage is to web development as a shotgun is to marriage - you can force it to work, but it's crude and nasty, and not true love.

You'll have to learn web development. Sorry, but there is no easy way out.

commented: Agreed :) +1
commented: Aye, I second that +6

microsoft front page

Microsoft Publisher

Honestly to use MS Front Page would cause much the same issue as using MS Publisher in the way that they both generate an a$$load of unnecessary code and script for the simplest things. Also, as indicated by DrJohn, Front Page is not the most elegant option for web development.

There are a number of free web dev tools available online (notably at (I think I got that URL right)) but in the end, as stated by DrJohn your best bet is to brush up on your web dev skills (HTML, graphics design, DHTML, possibly php or ASP.Net) so you can do as much of it as possible without the use of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. These editors often are fine for extremely basic web authoring but as soon as you want to do any true level of site customization you will need to know how to 'fine tune' or directly edit the code provided by the editor and well... most of the time the code provided by the editors can be a mess.

One particular tool that I like (not free but relatively gentle on the 'excessive code' side of things) is Adobe Dreamweaver. You should be able to get a non-current version relatively cheap if you can find a discount software store and it's fairly flexible while (generally) only adding code that actually needs to be there.

Hope this helps :)

EDIT: One drawback of Adobe Dreamweaver however is in CSS usage. As long as you create your own CSS file in advance and stick to the formatting provided in that file you should be fine but if you use the built-in formatting editors in Dreamweaver you will end up with a wall of CSS types in your HTML file.

You have to learn some basics for Web designing. You must have knowledge about HTML and CSS in order to make a good looking website. Though there are many ways to make a web page using WYSIWYG editors you may download Kompozer from here or PSPad from here, But for getting a skill in making good looking web pages you have to learn html and css nobody can't help it with this part.

As kooja has suggested you may start learning them from w3schools Website. Choice is yours. All the best for your future.


@poster-download a book on html basics and let dreamweaver wysiwyg help you out.ders no easier solution

I am about to post a low-tech way to start, get a pencil (you WILL need the eraser), paper and then start by sketching out how you want it to look. Keeping in mind that it should be simple to keep the code simple in order to learn.

I still do this when looking at starting a site, it helps me determine where I am putting things, especially with divs.

Once you have the basic layout - I highly recommend too since it has excellent tutorials. Actually look at the code and write it out with notes on where you feel it will help you the most. Once you have found your appropriate code, create the files.

While you can do this in other computer programs, I have found it helps me look at the code closer, and even helps me find out where I am possibly messing up since I am physically writing the code myself. I have even kept all my notes for future reference as well. It isn't perfect, and it isn't the most techie way to learn but it is how I have been able to learn best.

Also, when you have noted what code you are using for what section, and that section breaks - you know where to start your debugging. It is also a good time to learn how to use comments in your code to let you (and others) know what that code is formatting. If you come back much later - it makes it easier to update that specific section since you know what controls it.

commented: yup! +1

Thanks everyone for the info. I guess I'm just going to gear up and get my web development learning on... it'll be a good skill to have! Thanks for the sharing the w3schools site, tutorials are just what I'm looking for.

If I get the website done soon I'll def post it and you guys can rate my skills. ;)

agree with everyone else
start with the tutorials,
dont use frontpage publisher or any other wysiwyg, till after you understand the code a little,
so that you can clean up the code they produce,
the alternative is another ugly, invisible, tiny, fixed-width, layout sitting in the middle of the widescreen monitor, and the rapid departure of your site visitors
good luck
this is a good place to get resources

these standard test beds may assist you Speed html CSS handheld other browsers

many problems (if present) will show serious code errors in the w3c validator sites will produce blankscreens in browsershots

Valid code does not ensure the site will work ...
Invalid code does ensure the site will not work ...
.. in all browser OS combinations

FrontPage is to web development as a shotgun is to marriage - you can force it to work, but it's crude and nasty, and not true love.

OH! I Like that line. I'm copying that into my quotes!

When I first started, I also used MS Publisher. While it does have some limitations and you're going to get a basic left aligned site, it is easy to learn and there are built in templates for you to use. At least you will have a live site to begin with until and if you want to learn to do more. I still have some sites up, such as and if you want to take a look at what is possible. Best of luck.

Member Avatar for diafol

Without wanting to sound repetitive. Don't use Frontpage - simple.

Get a text editor like Notepad++ and grind out sound simple webpages using (X)HTML and CSS. You'll find that you learn a heck of a lot in a short space of time.

When you get stuck, search tutorials or buy a book on the subject. If you're still stuck, ask a question in a forum.

Also, install as many browsers as possible on your PC and check your pages in all of them. This is where your CSS skills pay dividends - getting an acceptable (not identical - that's almost impossible) look in all modern browsers.

You can throw together a site quite quickly with a WYSIWYG thingy - most hosting packages have them, but they truly suck - worse than your Publisher efforts.

commented: ther obvious, that nobody remembers +1 +4

Also, install as many browsers as possible on your PC and check your pages in all of them. This is where your CSS skills pay dividends - getting an acceptable (not identical - that's almost impossible) look in all modern browsers.

Kudos, damn good idea
I have the portable apps versions, made for thumb drives, no install doesnt take over your own pc, versions of opera safariWin Mozilla, and highly second ardav's thought, multiple browsers makes css checks easy.

thats a pretty good effort for a newbie designer! Although i would recommend using a graphics program alongside a html editor, try the free 30 day trial for both adobe photoshop and adobe dreamweaver, that should help you out. There are plenty of tutorials on the net and its easy to learn the basics

Member Avatar for diafol

If you're looking for a good FREE graphics package - try Gimp. I use Fireworks (the old MX2004 version) as it's less complicated that Photoshop and I got it for free! Anyway, because you are an artist (or are producing sites for artists), your graphics need to be spot on. A shoddy site with regard to graphics will not show your (or client's) real work in the best light. Be aware that good hardcopy, e.g. glossy magazine pages don't necessarily translate into good web pages. If you're making the product / your art the focus of the site, the actual background graphics of the site need to be sympathetic. You could even get away with a minimal / no background graphics site.

Here's a random example:

I noticed that the text on your front page is jutting out from its container... wrap your text, bro.

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