I have an external webcam that is located on my front lawn to watch owls. I have a website with the live video on it. Most people are able to see the video but a few people are calling in saying they cannot see the live video at all, only a blank box, and some people say they can see the owls but it is static picture. This is the code I am using on my website http://[URL="http://capecoralburrowingowls.com"]capecoralburrowingowls.com[/URL]

<APPLET name="cvcs" CODEBASE="" CODE="xplug.class" WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480> <param name="RemotePort" value=80> <param name="Timeout" value=5000> <param name="RotateAngle" value=0> <param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=2> <param name="DeviceSerialNo" value=""> </APPLET>

I know nothing about putting video on a website. Someone gave me the applet code to use.

Can anyone shed some light on why some people cannot see the video. One person reinstalled Java, tried logging in using both FireFox and IE, and none of those things made a difference.

The local newspaper just ran a news article about the webcam and I am getting a lot of visitors to the website, so I would sure like some help getting it working for everyone.
Thanks in advance
The Owl Lady

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

May be the java is not an updated one or their firewall may be blocked. or the browser may display click to install missing plugins. or javascript may not be enabled.

May be the java is not an updated one or their firewall may be blocked. or the browser may display click to install missing plugins. or javascript may not be enabled.

I finally got to a computer where I could check to see what was going on. Got the ActiveX message at the top of the screen which led me to the final error message that the digital signature was from an unknown publisher and it gave the IP address of the webcam. Microsoft would not allow the download.
I went into settings and checked allow activeX and also checked allow downloads from unsigned publishers. I turned off the fire wall and allowed popups. Nothing worked. I even looked up the error message regarding the publisher message and followed the steps to correct it and still no luck.

Wow, that all sounds much to complicated for the non techy computer person. The people that are calling in to say the camera doesn't work have basic computer skills at best.
When I tried to access the webcam on my neighbor's computer I never got the section that gives me a choice as to whether I want to run the file or not.


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