I've been looking for this one like crazy but I just can't find it. Hope anyone can help me out. On my website I have a sliding banner that uses a background image 'repeat'. It shows up perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, Safari but not in IE. I've tried many different things but I don't know what's causing it.

The interesting part is that the #bottomslider (which holds the 3 circles) has the same background image and it shows in IE.

Sincerely hope your coding skills can help me.

A sliding banner where? In your header? I viewed your page in IE 8 and firefox 3.6 and they both look the same. Not sure whats missing then.

Just out of curiousity, have you tried to validate your code at w3c? Might give some indications as to why this issue is occurring.

A sliding banner where? In your header? I viewed your page in IE 8 and firefox 3.6 and they both look the same. Not sure whats missing then.

Thanks for the response. The sliding banner has three images that rotate. In IE that background is blue while it should be grey as it is in Firefox.

Ahhhh ok..lol I see what you mean..Wow big difference in color. Also it seems to be a bit smaller top to bottom in IE. Not sure whats going on myself. I know there are many elements that translate differently on different browsers. Colors should be colors though..lol Different screens show colors slightly different. I had a page one time and the background was set to an off white, but on my laptop it was white.

Take a look here.

It seems that your javascript sets blue backgrounds on #slider and all three divs inside it and overrides your styles. I`m not sure which .js but cycle.js might be it.

By the way, why are you using two jQuery libs?
And don`t use iepngfix.htc for fixing transparent stuff in IE. This proves to be a better solution (requires javascript though).

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