I'm trying to solve this problem without success for two days
i have a problem only in google chrome (in other browser it's fine)
the text of my scrolling news is cut off on the right side.

help please....

Well, first you want to validate your code. Frequently these little glitches clear up when the code is good.

My bet is either MSIE and Firefox OR Chrome has gone to quirks mode because of the validation issues.

Well, first you want to validate your code. Frequently these little glitches clear up when the code is good.

My bet is either MSIE and Firefox OR Chrome has gone to quirks mode because of the validation issues.

i can't do this because this html comes from a cms system and i can't manipulate the html code.
i must fix it only in css

can it be done?

No - there is an improperly nested <tr> tag (or maybe the <td> that's supposed to be inside is missing) and improperly closed <br>s (it's supposed to be <br />, not </br> The code the cms is creating has issues. Without those issues being addressed, I doubt the page will render properly in Chrome.

You're not allowed to copy the code, fix it, and upload it to the server under a new name?

Did you try using "padding-right" or "margin-right"? You may even be able to make it so it just shows the overflow of the text.

Did you try using "padding-right" or "margin-right"? You may even be able to make it so it just shows the overflow of the text.

padding and margin not working.
i discover that is from the function property.
i have to change the function property to width:120px from width:100%.

but i can add only js to the head of the html and this function is called in the middle of the document.

Make this line

<div id="scrollingIntMainDiv" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 120px;" dir="rtl" align="right">


<div id="scrollingIntMainDiv" dir="rtl" align="right">

The various relative and absolute positions are conflicting.

Of course this doesn't solve the problem of the CMS system creating really bad code...

Make this line

<div id="scrollingIntMainDiv" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 120px;" dir="rtl" align="right">


<div id="scrollingIntMainDiv" dir="rtl" align="right">

The various relative and absolute positions are conflicting.

Of course this doesn't solve the problem of the CMS system creating really bad code...

wow !

thank u very much
i solve it like this

<style type="text/css">
position:static !important;
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