
how do i code a template in html? and also how do i code a flash template in html?

i'm new to all this!!

download a trial of dreamweaver and google how to make a template with it. Its a lot easier than coding it from scratch.

i wouldnt use dreamweaver good old notepad is the way to go check out w3schools (search in google for it) there you will find all you need to know about making a webpage in html and much more.

i wouldnt use dreamweaver good old notepad is the way to go check out w3schools (search in google for it) there you will find all you need to know about making a webpage in html and much more.

Why wouldn't you use dreamweaver?

Why wouldn't you use dreamweaver?

You're more likely to run into bugs with Dreamweaver. I wouldn't use notepad to code though. Instead, use Notepad++. It's layout is much better for coding than notepad.

You're more likely to run into bugs with Dreamweaver. I wouldn't use notepad to code though. Instead, use Notepad++. It's layout is much better for coding than notepad.

Ive never used notepad++.
I know that dreamweaver is a good place even if you just code. It color codes things for you and also helps you organize things.

my opinion is that dreamweaver is a lazy mans scitping yer i know that you can do both drop and drag and scripting side of it and why pay for the proggy when you can use notepad for free? also notepad++ is the same thing as notepad just a little bit more powerful but this is my own opinion

my opinion is that dreamweaver is a lazy mans scitping yer i know that you can do both drop and drag and scripting side of it and why pay for the proggy when you can use notepad for free? also notepad++ is the same thing as notepad just a little bit more powerful but this is my own opinion

ok i agree if you are going to just code it about 99% a waste of money. If you have the adobe suite already or you just need the 30 day trial to accomplish what you want to make. Dreamweaver is very useful.

I just dont like dreamweaver.

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