I have made a few websites with only limited pages and the clients want to be able to update them themselves i was looking at something like pagelime http://pagelime.com/ and was wondering if anyone knows of any other ones and what they are like and if they are worth using?

sorry..i dint get your questions correctly.?plz once again explain me!

Sounds like you are looking for a cms system, there are loads of them that are free out there, but in the end, sometimes its best to make your own.

here is a list of some open source cms systems

Sorry I'll make it easier, I want to be able to add a term to the html such as


and when the site is linked to the cms like pagelime the clients only have to log in and then edit what they want.
The Clients don't want a full cms and i have suggested this, they just want something easy.

Thanks Ryan.

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