HI ....

i want to print the text vertically from bottom to top and left to right and am using the style property is writing-mode:tb-rl fliterv filterh .
It shows correct format in IE6 browser but when i see print preview it looks like mirror image like top-bottom and right to left...

anyone can reply it ASAP...Plz....

great post ..even i need to known this vertical text in IE6 .previously i had a same problem in one project and after i convinced the customer :-P ..so plz some one rectify this problem :-)

the style property is writing-mode:tb-rl fliterv filterh

no it isnt

<div style='writing-mode:tb-rl; filter:fliph flipv;'>1 this is a line<br>2 this is a line<br>3 this is a line</div>

inline styles for examp[le only, get em out into a .css file

Hi gogreen1,

Thank you for ur quick reply.... But its not the correct solution for that naaa......


i used the same style but its working for <p> tag...its not working for <td>....plz check it for <td> also and revert back with good sol....

ohh ya its working fine in IE6 the browser i have currently :-) what about firefox and other browsers ??

Thanks for ur reply,

its working in browser IE6...when i click on print preview it comes as like mirror image...in reverse order...plzzz....check it in and revert back to me

It is not working on Firefox and it is working in fine.

It is not working on Firefox and it is working in fine.

no man...check with following code in IE

<td style="writing-mode:tb-rl ; filter:flipv fliph">Vertical Text

check the o/p in browser and in pdf

not applied to table cells
applied to tables, divs
block level elements only

get off your *** and read at least part of the instructions for what you are doing

Thanku Soooooo much....

i got it
these days am trying for td tag ....
now i got it...
once agian thanku very much.....

not applied to table cells
applied to tables, divs
block level elements only

get off your *** and read at least part of the instructions for what you are doing

hi ...
its not working for table tag....
its working for div, p tags...
can u suggest any more


when i click on print-preview 1 page report is generating in 3 pages ....plz help me in this...

in my code am using
<p style="writing-mode:tb-rl filter:fliph flipv">

plz help me in this asap.............

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