Please I am sorry that I have to ask again this one below, 1st, thought I would like to contribute in solving some problems for people like me too but I haven`t found a thread that I have the knowledge to treat but promise to contribute when found one.

My Problem is here below:
1st: Please can someone give me an idea of search code form,the type of search code is to link names to different websites of which on search form one can type a name it will open the site linked with the name in another tab or window, please help me out.

What you are talking of is called AUTO-SUGGEST or AUTO-COMPLETE and it's a AJAX request thing.
Here are some tutorials and plug-ins CLICK HERE
Probably you should create your own database of the desired auto-suggestion which are the web addresses and the names you're talking about putted in HTML links and the drop down menu should be modified with these links instead of simple text as it is in the tutorials.
I also suggest that the redirecting to the sites happens on a click not just with typing because wrong auto complete will trigger linking and that leads to undesired behavior.

You could also do something like this:

$con = mysql_connect($dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost, client_flags = 0, new_link = false);
if (!con)
     echo "Database Error";
mysql_select_db($dbname, $con);
Your search for site form goes here
$sql = "SELECT * FROM sites WHERE siteName = '$_GET["siteName"]'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result)
     echo "Database Error";
// Table Setup
// site_ID | site_Name | site_URL
$siteFound = $result[1];
$siteURL = $result[2];
We have found the site that you are looking for. Here's the Name and URL:
echo $siteFound.': <a href="'.$siteURL'" target="_blank">'.$siteURL.'</a>' ;

This should get you something like what you're looking for.

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