<style type="text/css">
body { height: 1000px; }

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<table class="maintable">


If I do that this is heading , and maintable overlap in firefox.but in ie they come below each other???
why? I would like it to overlap in ie as well.

If I SCROLL in firefox, the maintable overlaps with the other table as well when table 2 becomes at position 20 px on scroll.
In ie's case, on scroll the maintable disappears and doesnt stay fixed in position 20 px.


I am using firefox 4 , and ie 7

Maybe it helps if you put them the other way around?

Change position from fixed to absolute.

Change position from fixed to absolute.

S position:fixed.. style doesn't work in IE browser. do you know how to fix the object in ie browser.

commented: :) +5

Create a new web page with the code below.

<style type="text/css">
body { height: 1000px; }

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<table class="maintable">


Use 'z-index'. Determine which layer is front and which is bottom.

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