Hi. I'm new here and I'm new into coding so i have question. Where i can get Simple Php website with login and singup function. I was search in google.com but i don't find nothing what would be good enought.And i don't whant build it my self, becous i can made so mistakes. But this would be easy part. Next would be add mail system. But not simple mail. The web would be some kind of request web. User add request and it send that request to all users to them e-mail. I can give you example page, but it is Latvian language. (www.autosroti.lv). If i find some where else some kind of this web what i whant i will post it here. But i will realy glad if some of this forum users could help me out!


P.s - And I'm realy sorry if this wrong section. And if i have mistakes in my text.

Hi blaaam,

Welcome to Daniweb! Yes, this should probably be posted in the PHP section.


the mailing can be done. try download for phpMailer. about the sign up and login page, try find in php.net

For the login and signup system, go to http://net.tutsplus.com/

They have some great tuts. If you search for login, theres one that even has email activation.

do a google search for login system 2, you should get results for a login system by evolt or something i played with this a few years ago was a great starting block.

hi blaaam,

its my advice to you, please pay to any web programmer and get developed modules for your website. it would be DB oriented and if you don't know development and your need these modules then its best way to get these modules developed But if you are student then please first read programming books and develop your concepts then you can do it your own.


commented: Don't discourage him -1

hi blaaam,

its my advice to you, please pay to any web programmer and get developed modules for your website. it would be DB oriented and if you don't know development and your need these modules then its best way to get these modules developed But if you are student then please first read programming books and develop your concepts then you can do it your own.


There is no need for discouragement. Even if he isn't a student, we are here to help, not tell them to stop learning and hire someone that already knows. If everyone did that, then what happens when all the developers and designers die? lol your just idiotic for saying something like that.

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