When I go to my website (www.directSellingLive.com) it loads a white page. What has gone wrong?

You have no code: the only thing showing in firebug is:

<link href="chrome://mozbar/skin/css/injected.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

Which doesn't sound like a good name for a stylesheet if you ask me.

I'm new to this as my progrmmer can not be reached. What do I do?

I'm new to this as my progrmmer can not be reached. What do I do?

What package is your site suppose to be running & when did you first notice this?

I just Googled your stylsheet and it appears to be somewhat related to iframes and referenced a handful of times.

If I understand your package question correctly it stared out as a phpFox site 4 years ago but quickly changed to a custom site with many modifications and custom additions. I first noticed that the site was blank yesterday.

I spoke to the current webmaster. He is at a loss as to what has happened. I've spoke to GoDaddy to check DSN and namesevers info. All is in order on their side.

What are iframes? How do you Google a style sheet?

Thanks for your help.

If I understand your package question correctly it stared out as a phpFox site 4 years ago but quickly changed to a custom site with many modifications and custom additions. I first noticed that the site was blank yesterday.

I spoke to the current webmaster. He is at a loss as to what has happened. I've spoke to GoDaddy to check DSN and namesevers info. All is in order on their side.

What are iframes? How do you Google a style sheet?

Thanks for your help.

Hmm when i went to your site and inspected it with google chrome all i found was:


if you expected to see anything you wont at least add some text like so:

          <title>Hello Html</title>
           <p>Hello from html</p>

If you have spoken to the webmaster, why not try something as simple as this:

upload the file again.

It's possible the file has got corrupted and thus is empty. There is no code when I view source, which suggests the file write failed and left an empty file in place.

The bit about firebug showing a css file - I think that's firebug detecting itself or more likely the browser skin, as the source code is devoid of anything.


This site has been online for 5 years so I am at a totally loss as to what has happened. You mentioned the file "write" may have failed.
Is there a way for me to check if this has happen?
Have you heard of this happening before?
Where would I find the file "write"?

I've got someone looking into the issue but they don't have an idea what happened.

Is this your page?

http://www.directsellinglive.com/index.html (does work)

I'm guessing you guys use a .htaccess file to allow .php precedence over .html files.

http://www.directsellinglive.com/index.php (doesn't work)

Chances are your index.php page is empty (nothing in there). Go check and report back with the results. How did it happen? No idea, but it did. Check the logs to see if you've been hacked.


You ask a interesting question. My site hacked? I do I check the logs?




This site has been online for 5 years so I am at a totally loss as to what has happened. You mentioned the file "write" may have failed.
Is there a way for me to check if this has happen?
Have you heard of this happening before?
Where would I find the file "write"?

I've got someone looking into the issue but they don't have an idea what happened.

I mean when the file was saved to disk, it is a file write action. If that goes wrong, you have saved a blank file. Files failing to write happens occasionally.

Otherwise, the server has some problem and it has got corrupted. This is more likely, if the site has been there for a while.

Either way, try uploading the page again.

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