Hi guys . I am not really sure what board i should post this on so i decided to post it on the webdesign segment . anyway i would like to create a content block that blocks the screen until the visitor clicks the "enter " or proceed button . something similar to login box here on daniweb and the image below :



There are several ways you can do this. Lightbox or one of its derivatives will work for you. Or if you want something a little quicker (and hackish) you can create your lockout div and position it off screen using CSS. Alter its CSS style to place it on screen when needed and when the user has finished whatever action is required, you move it off screen again.

If the information you want to block is sensitive, I would suggest finding a better way to hide it, like asp.net and form logins in the web.config or whatever, but just a content block is easily moved with modern browsers using their developement tools (f12 or Ctrl+Shift+I with chrome) and modifying the css.

If it's not sensitive information and you're just looking for a quick and easy way to block stuff then forget about this post :) but I dont know how to do it sorry

There are several ways you can do this. Lightbox or one of its derivatives will work for you. Or if you want something a little quicker (and hackish) you can create your lockout div and position it off screen using CSS. Alter its CSS style to place it on screen when needed and when the user has finished whatever action is required, you move it off screen again.

Hi Hericles . can you please explain a little more on how i could create something like that using the lock out div , I would really appreciate it

A quick tutorial on how to do such a task like this will be appreciated. Is there a site that has a tutorial on this?

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