Hi all, as titled i need to create a cinema ticketing system which i am very headache to it. Here are some problem i faced, actually i need to create a very complex one as the webpage
1) Need to able to select the number of ticket required before enter to the seat selecting page (so that it can select number of seat based on the number of ticket enter - i only managed to do 1 ticket at the time.
2) After selecting the ticket and press the "book" button, it will come to a page where it show the seat status (blue for booked, red for unbooked) instead of this, i want the seat number to be shown as well in this page, any idea?
3) Besides, u can see that the date is only for today, how bout if i want to make it for multiple date?

I alraedy attached the html. Hope u guys can help me, thanks :)

Anyone? please

Do you need some help in designing? or in code? Its really complex to discuss it here.
Maybe we could collaborate.... PM me!

i think designing is ok right because i can simply edit it in myself, the tough part is the javascript

this is a database problem.
how good are your mysql / php skills

n00b , frankly speaking, i never did that before :(

I see.... but you see it's a process... it's not that simple as "here is I want to see" boom.... result. drjohn has a point.
there is a database involved. The HTML you attached is not that helping also. it's too plain to decide where you will be going. =)

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