I am having a problem with validation I dont understand what the w3 school is saying. Can anyone help

Hey papadarl,

Could you be a little more specific as to what your problem is? What are you trying to do? What have you done? What issues are you having?

You'll need to be a little more specific: what are they saying, and what don't you understand.

I am trying to build a Web Site for My School assignment if you want I can send you a copy of the code I am useing

You dont have to send a copy to anyone in particular, if you post the code and specify what the problem is, you have a lot of people willing to review it.

Agree with JorgeM. Please be more specific about the question: eg. you wish to validate the email, number or empty field? validation is carried out server based(php) or client based(javascript/jquery)?

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