Can you please help me with launching Acrobat Reader from html document?
I have a html page which contain few links leading to PDF documents. There is no problem to open basic PDF's throught hyperlink into browser window, but some of this PDF's are searchable and if I try to open them this way I loose search functionality. What I'm looking for is to launch Acrobat Reader as external application on its own and not application in browser window.

Any suggestions will be appreciated

The user of the site, to my knowledge would have to allow activeX controls, to be accepted and run on their system. It's not really a good idea. If you are doing it for yourself, or for a business... say, an internal network or something nuts.... then you could allow access to activeX scripting, and have it use the shell method of the wscript object. If it's for people who you may not know are using the site, chances are their browser isn't going to allow activex to be run, and your links would fail for security reasons. If you have access to all these machines, you could remove the browser plugins that allow acrobate to load inside of the browser, which would make them "download" the file (or open from current location) and it would use acrobate, the external program....

When serving ANYTHING over the web, mime-types come into play. You're telling the server to tell the browser that you're serving this-type-of-file, and the browser decides, based upon the user's configuration choices, how to handle that file.

I can't think of any way you can force your users' browsers to launch Acrobat as an external application, or even, for that matter, that Acrobat Reader should open the PDF instead of Acrobat Professional or any other of the dozens of PDF parsers available that a user may have chosen instead of Reader.

I can't think of any way you can force your users' browsers to launch Acrobat as an external application, or even, for that matter, that Acrobat Reader should open the PDF instead of Acrobat Professional or any other of the dozens of PDF parsers available that a user may have chosen instead of Reader.

You can tell the browser how you want the file handled, whether it is to be opened or downloaded (the user gets the final word on that). That alone will result in the desired behavior, the file will be downloaded and when opened it will open by the default application for that extension, be that Acrobat reader or anything else, but outside of the browser.

An alternative to that would be to use ActiveX in IE to be have access to giving the system direct orders.

Quoting myself from two other threads:
On the client side, your best shot is to ask your users to right click and choose save as. The other decent way is to zip your pdf file.

The only way to tell the browser to download a file, is to send HTTP headers telling it to do so. This can only be done on the server side. Do you have PHP or ASP or PERL support?

With heavy explaining:

simple copy and paste:

PHP + good explanation of why's, do's and dont's

Simple copy and paste:

Microsoft's ASP explanation

Simple copy and paste:

Even PERL, if you will:

Prompt to Save As When Clicking a PDF

how to avoid playing the media file directly and open a "File Download" dialog

Best regards,


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