Hi, I went to...
...and I copied the text for each file, saved them as:

I then changed the e-mail address in "em.submit" to mine.
And the address in em.html from
"/cgi-bin/form-submit/mnt/storage/users/m/a/r/martinkorner/form test/em"

The bold is what I think I was told to leave in (and the rest is my host address thing).

I think that is where I went wrong...

Please help?!?

By the way, the reason I am doing this is because my web host will not accept "sendmail" and I need to have a form on my site which users can type their name, e-mail address etc. and it will then be e-mailed to me (without them seeing the e-mail to be sent and having to click "send")

Can anyone help?

Does anyone have an alternate method?

Please :?:


This area is for MV customers to use to enhance your web pages and take advantage of web-based tools that MV is providing. Note that some areas are off-limits to non-MV customers.

So you may or may not have permission to use that script, even though it's posted on a website. In such cases, it is far better to contact the author of the script for permission and support.

As an alternate method, give them a form to fill. The form posts to a PHP, ASP, or ASP.NET program that stores the results in the database. You would have a page you could browse to which retrieves and formats this information - no need for any email at all.

Right - that'd be great, can you tell me how to do that?


Not here - you'd need to post in the PHP forum. Start a thread asking about HTML Form processing basics.

Right...Thanks...I will.


Hi, I went to...
...and I copied the text for each file, saved them as:
But i can't work!!! some body can help me......... actually maybe is i don't know what is <EM-Submit> file extension!!!! any body can help me that tell me what is the files?? please........................


I think you have made the same mistake that I made almost a year ago - I am assuming that you are not an MV customer - and to use this script, you have to be. em.submit is not a mainstream file extension - and only works with the MV script (which you cannot use).

Hope that helps,

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