hi! it's been long since the last time i was here! but here am back with a problem. am doin a webpage and i want it to perfectly fit on the screen.

i have used a body width of 100% but it create scroll bars.

i want a perfect one like that of facebook or daniweb. please help right away, thanks.

Please post the relevant sections of your stylesheet and html so we can help.

Please post the relevant sections of your stylesheet and html so we can help.

why its not relevant???

i have used a body width of 100% but it create scroll bars.

Check for your body content if thats width is greater than screen resolution then it will create scroll bars.

I would like to advise that you design for a minimum resolution of 800x600.

Assuming that people using that resolution will be maximizing their browser windows, so a minimum width of 760 is acceptable. Then, I would use flexible widths, centering your main content in the middle of the browser window and making the text content a fixed width of no less than 400 pixels.

Sahil89 - I want to see the 'relevant' code as the poster is saying a width of 100% is creating scrollbars, which it shouldn't, and therefore I want to see the rest of the 'relevant' CSS and HTML (relevant means relevant to the question, i.e. not all of their code) so that I can see what might be causing the scrollbars.

The poster hasn't asked what width to set their page at but has an actual problem with their current code that they need help with which I could possibly help solve if I could see thier code (the same as answering any coding question)!

You said that - "i have used a body width of 100% but it creates scroll bars". For getting rid of from scroll bars you have to use "overflow: hidden" for the body, it will help you to perfectly fit on the screen.

Sahil89 - I want to see the 'relevant' code as the poster is saying a width of 100% is creating scrollbars

My bad really sorry for down vote and comment

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