i've started to study html then will go through css then php and mysql
please i'd like to ask for your advise for which editor i should stick to to facilitate my learning way
the point is that i'd like to start the right way and stick to it
i read that not every editor is good because it may create some garbage code and some others really facilitate the learning curve
Actually I do not have any special preferences at all.
My point is to use something that help me to figure out the wrong in the code I write and help me to correct it as possible.
Also something that may include some built-in things that may help to be used in the coding like insert function ...etc.
Honestly all I know so far is a little bit of HTML and looking forward to finish my website.
Please if my requests looks not logic or irrelevant, please accept my apologize as I am trying to figure out what is going on with web development.

please advise

Editor? Meaning a text editor? I personally use Notepad++ but thats just personal preference. A lightweight text editor with syntax highlighting for practically any language you can think of. Try it out! Also has an auto completion amd suggest feature! Although they must be enabled in e preferences. No garbage code to m y knowledge, try it out.

notepad++ is good and simple to use. there are a lot of great editors out there. Personally, two that come to mind that I do not care for are Dreamweaver and Microsoft's Web Expressions.

I would use notepad++ or dreamweaver if you need an editor. Personally I think that it might seem like it makes it easier to code, but in the long run it is more complicated. I just use plain notepad, or I just put it into my FTP and do it that way. Editors are overrated, and you learn more about the structure and debugging without one.

Yah I really agree Notepad++ really a great text editor for me. for me Notepad++ being a lingtweight text editor will help you to focus more on your coding, cause you dont have to scratch your head waiting till it loads. An notepad++ now really have more plugins that helps you in developing your project.

I use Notepad++ too, for more than 5 years now, and it never let me down.
Notepad++ does not generate any garbage, because it's only a text editor.

Editors that generate garbage are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), like dream weaver, front-page and others.

I don't recomend using WYSIWYG for any developer, specially a beginer.

If you want to learn, you have to code.

Thanks a lot.
It is NotePad++ then :)


My point is to use something that help me to figure out the wrong in the code I write and help me to correct it as possible

In this case I recommend using a decent IDE, instead of a text editor. An IDE will provide better debugging, code insight and much more. Examples are PhpStorm or Zend (although there are a lot more).




In this case I recommend using a decent IDE, instead of a text editor. An IDE will provide better debugging, code insight and much more. Examples are PhpStorm or Zend (although there are a lot more).

Please I keep goggling for this IDE and still do not know what does it is standing for?

I tried to download zend and eclipse and jedit but honestly lst and much confused and do not know what is the hel is going on or where i should start?

Please help

Integrated Development Environment. If it is really that difficult, use a text editor and switch to one later on.


Integrated Development Environment. If it is really that difficult, use a text editor and switch to one later on.

It seems that I will do so.

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